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Friday, August 16, 2024

A Personal Experience - New Body Phenomena (that might be Widely Ignored)

'Touching the Infinite' Acrylic on canvas, 36x24

I usually handle personal things without mention, and usually, I conclude that it’s only my ‘stuff’. Then, so very often, I find out later that I was not the only one, that my body is one of the early indicators, like a flashlight pointing me in unfamiliar directions. At times, acting like a canary in the coal mine.

Plus, these are unusual times that we are living in.

So, with my most recent experience, I’m choosing to put it out there and write this article, in the hope that it might be contributing to others on the fringe of the known reality that might find themselves in a similar situation.

And maybe, it’s more wide-spread than I can even imagine.

As an artist exhibiting in art fairs, I’m used to being out there in changing and at times extreme weather conditions. Cold, hot, windy, muggy, rainy etc. I’m prepared with wearing layers, rain gear, wind jackets, rain coats, having lots of water, ice, minerals, electrolytes, lemon, sunscreen, sun hat etc.

And, I’m usually ok, and my body recuperates within a day after the event.

This time, it was totally different.
This time, it almost knocked me out.

This July was really hot, and I had a booth location with afternoon sun, plus we were on asphalt. It was brutal. 95 degrees (Fahrenheit). By the end of the day, I was exhausted, crappy and my nervous system on hyper-alert. Couldn’t sleep well.

Next morning, I woke up with headache, slight fever and upset stomach. So, we decided to drive to the art fair location early and take down everything. By 9am, we pulled out and drove home.

I was sick for 10 days. Here are the symptoms that I experienced:

  • constant dizziness (could barely walk straight)
  • slight fever on and off
  • no appetite
  • blurry vision
  • sleeping almost 24/7
  • body aches
  • upset stomach
  • complete exhaustion

I thought I had heat exhaustion, but was surprised that it took my body so long to overcome it.
While I was vegetating on the couch, I kept hearing ‘radiation’ over and over, it played like a mantra in my mind. I had no experience with radiation exposure. A friend told me to do the following:
1 quart of distilled water, 1 table spoon of sea salt, 1 table spoon of Epsom salt, shake the mixture and divide it into 4 portions. Drink it every 2 hours.

That turned me around.

Know that you will have an intense bowel movement. But this is important for your body to release all the cells that had died off from the radiation.

I was still weak. Another friend who had been with the military and knew, from personal experience, very well what I described confirmed to me that I had experienced radiation exposure.

Now, where would this come from? I had lots of time to wonder about this.

Consider this:

A huge art fair with 80,000-100,000 visitors, all on cell phones
450 exhibitors all with cell phones
5-G towers
Earth magnetics changing
Sun radiation changing
and everything else that is sent into the ether, all the EMFs, towers, security equipment, radar etc.

These are all invisible. Everyone can say this is not true and that I makes this up. I know that my body is not lying though. Oxygen is invisible, and we use it to live. Gasoline smell is invisible, and it is toxic. Terpenoid off-gassing is invisible, and it kills our lungs.

Now, for everyone who tries to fact-check me: this is my personal experience that I’m sharing. You might as well stop your fact-checking, right in the tracks. I own my experience, they are my own personal facts.

Here is the list of things that helped me greatly:

  • Water-salt-mix as described above (after the quantity mentioned above, wait and see how your body takes it; too much salt will be tough on your kidneys)
  • Bio-plasma (these are cell salts):  I took a lot of it, always listening to my body
  • no sugars
  • electrolytes
  • lots of water (not too much, as it’s tough on your kidneys too)
  • eat lightly
  • Epsom salt bath
  • water with lemon juice (and a little bit of honey, if you can do it)
  • organic herbal teas for strengthening and liver/kidney/gallbladder support (peppermint, lemon balm, marshmallow root and nettle leaf) Get a wonderful tea from Red Sage Health at .
  • Find a practitioner that will help your body balance the systems: Qest, acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathic doctors, functional medicine, or any other practitioner who has a holistic approach and looks at your entire system, not just treating a symptom here and there (you get the gist).
  • Ask your body tons of questions, such as ‘Body who can support us?’, ‘Which health practitioner do you want me to take you to?’, ‘Body, what do you require?’ and ‘Where is the information that we (meaning you and your body) require?’ You might be blown away about what your body can create. Our bodies are fantastic, wise and absolutely under-estimated.

Now, I make it very clear that I’m not a doctor, and you should for sure follow your physician’s advice, if you have a good physician. I’m simply sharing my experience and what worked for me and my body. We are a team. You and your body are a team. You have infinite possibilities and capabilities. Ask questions. What is this? Body, what do you know about this? Body, what will help you to get better?

I also found that my food choices totally changed during this time. Usually, I’m a salad queen. During these 10 days, I couldn’t touch a salad. I usually drink green tea, but during this time, just thinking of it was repulsing. I just did lemon water and herbal teas.

And, please, be patient with your body. The two of you can do this!

I thought for a moment that I would not make it. And, this might be part of the dynamic changes that we are currently going through while being IN a body. It is so easy to be impatient and cranky. And if you need to be cranky, well, do it with yourself, don’t let it out on others. Take your cranky-pants-time and let it out. Then, relax.

There is so much more going on right now than what meets the eye.

We are changing. Our bodies are changing. Our glands are changing, and so are our organs.
Our pineal gland is being reactivated. It’s in the center of our head. Could this be stimulated by radiation? Could this be a mix of events all coming together in one sacred moment in time/space and catapult us onto a different time line, with different physical settings?

If we leave the game board and we choose to step outside of the physics of the game board, could this change how we walk, could this make us dizzy, could this change our proprioception (how we place our body in space, how each part of our body relates to other parts and to the environment), could this make us feel sick, could this entice our body to do a sudden, major detox, absolutely unprepared? If you have ever done a detox and you have not taken the time to slowly prepare your body, you know how painful this can be.

When my body goes into what could be called a health crisis, I know that it is way more than that. I know it is growth time. I know by now that it is major change. It’s like standing in front of an open door into the galaxy. And you step through because you know you chose it even before incarnating this time around, it’s because you somehow know that this is what you need to do. Even if it seems crazy, you know you have to go. And you step through. And, for a moment........, you’re in free fall.

Like the caterpillar that, out of the blue, stops eating and builds the chrysalis around it, emerges into it, becomes soup, yes liquid stew, totally dissolves (how uncomfortable must this be?), and it knows it has to do this, somehow it knows that this is the path although it has no idea, no fricking idea, where this leads, and it decomposes entirely. It turns into a pretty bead and stays suspended, with intricate patterns of sacred beauty adorning its stillness. Then, one day, the chrysalis becomes transparent and starts showing the beauty inside of it, getting ready to emerge from the womb. With a sudden crack, the chrysalis breaks open, and another endeavor begins. The creature is wet and hanging upside down, and it is pumping and waiting and creating. What a vulnerable, exposed space! Any predator can snatch it. Yet, it patiently follows the rhythm of slowly, slowly opening its wings, pumping and unfolding. And so much can go wrong; don’t unfold the wings too fast, as they can tear, don’t wait too long as the moisture must not dry off so it can still unfold, and then, after hours, the beauty is ready to  take flight. It has totally changed shape, become a different being. Totally different anatomy.

This is the magic we are going through right now. And we all knew it before we came in.
And we still always have choice. We can say ‘No, this is too much. I come back another time!’ and leave. Or we hang in there and breathe through it, patiently with stamina and courage and curiosity. Aren’t you at times curious as to what’s possible here? What can we create? What miracle are we witnessing as everything, really everything, is changing?

Including our bodies.

Put your hands on your heart and listen to your heart beat. Your heart is so wise. It knows, It is the first part of your body that develops. There is this heart. So unknown. So mysterious. It beats. With the galaxy, with the stars, with the earth, with the mystery of the universe. It guides us with unspoken whispers.

No matter how much has been manipulated here, no matter how many lies have been perpetrated upon us and piled up into this gigantic game board, no matter how challenging the truth is and will be, we have our hearts. Our hearts know. Not our heads. Our hearts know. Listen to your heart.

And trust that you are here because you chose it. Now, this is a miracle.

We are creating a new reality. This requires us and our bodies and our proprioception to change, to upgrade, our wings to open and our trust to strengthen.

You can do this. You are not alone. Your body knows.

You will make it through this. Don’t get distracted. Be still. And listen. Cry, if you need to. It’s good and might be required. We are leaving the old world. Say good-bye and turn towards the new.

Much love and gratitude,

Thursday, November 23, 2023

A Pyramid in the Great Lakes


'Great Lakes Pyramid' 

A painting painted in the past for the future 

I saw this pyramid during meditation, years ago. I'm getting used to the simple fact that I'm way into the future, painting what needs to be seen usually about 18-20 years later.

With the painting came a lot of information about it which I share together with the print. 

It is a remainder and reminder from a time before the synthetic digital world, before the deception, before 440hz. 

We can tune into the golden web that still exists and purify obstruction from our lives and bodies. Do you see the 2 'generators' on top and below the pyramid? I had no idea about 'why' I added those shapes.... (I'm not in my head when I paint, I simply paint). These generators assist us in re-establishing the acoustical space we naturally be and in recognizing the gift we be by following that which is light to us. 

We are potent, infinite beings. Nothing can destroy us but the obedience into lies. Whatever is light to us is true for us. What is heavy is a lie.

The earth is a magnificent pearl in the universe. She has attracted high-frequency beings that have not the best intentions for her and for humanity. By the way, 'high frequency' doesn't mean it's automatically positive. It just means high frequency and can be contributory to us or parasitic.

Look at the image of 'Great Lakes Pyramid' and let it sink in. It will do for you what it can do in the moment, whatever it is you CAN receive. Let it move you, shake you, contribute to you.

Know you are powerful. Know you can change things. Know you are not alone. 

Much gratitude for you all!


My prints and paintings are available at 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Arrival of the Devas - by Bettina Madini

                                     'Arrival of the Devas' by Bettina Madini, all rights reserved

There is a magic, a magic of beauty so gentle and potent. It is real. It had been misplaced, intentionally, into legend and tale, out of our hearts, so as to negative high frequency could take over. 

Some of us remember, though. We have been smiled over, belittled and overrun (that's what they think). Yet, we couldn't be extinguished. Neither could that magical heart-land. 

If this gives you shivers and a smile, you're one of us. 

Shine as powerfully and gently as the sun. Reach out and connect with the golden fibers. Be all the elements of the earth. Know that you are here at exactly the right moment. 

And step up and out.


Monday, June 12, 2023

My friend Beastie - or: Choose what we fear most


                                                                 "Deep Skies" by Bettina Madini

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

I'm sure you have heard this before. It's one of my fav quotes, and it holds so much possibility and space. I just made a new choice, a choice that, as I looked at it, pushed all my triggers! A lot of 'OMG! I cannot do this! I cannot afford this! It blows my budget!' All that small-ing stuff! I have been running my business on my own, with the creation of my art and also website building, social media, marketing, art fairs, applying to shows/competitions, etc. A long list. I've been looking at hiring help for a looooooooooong time, sitting on the fence with it. Yes. No. Yes. Not yet. Maybe. Hmm. No. Yes? 

We all have all kinds of limitations, caps, in and on our lives, many of them are not ours, others might be ours or adopted by us, all means to hold us in a tight reality and validate our upgrowing or general points of view that are serving only one purpose: validating this reality of impossibility. 

After another wrestling round with my own personal 'Beastie' (I love calling her that way, as I don't have to condemn her but can be grateful for the 'protection' she provided for me during these times when I didn't have the tools yet that I have today🥰), I threw the mesh of points of view over board and chose something new (and actually exciting)

We will never know and find out what is possible for us to create when we listen to fear or doubt and keep choosing that. This can be like torturing ourselves, especially for those among us that have great creative capacities and also came here to create something new and inspiring. Something new was never created by those who listened to their fears, but by those who trusted their own true North and listened to their hearts. 

It requires courage, the willingness to fail and, at times, standing alone. The 'standing alone', though, is only for a short 'moment', an intersection in the tapestry, where we choose new threads, new colors, where the entire universe realigns in a new way to support us with our new choices, where everything is so quiet. 

What to do? 
- Breathe through this intersection.
- Keep standing.
- Be patient with you.
- Nourish your body. (it's going through changes too!)
- Never give up.
- Know with your heart that your dreams have great value.
- Feel the earth underneath your feet, and
- you will find that you are not and have never been alone.

Cheering us on, on this magical, aggravating, beautiful, challenging, wondrous and miraculous journey.


If you're curious about tools that you can use, go to my website at and find my classes. I also offer personal sessions via zoom.

Monday, October 24, 2022

A Story about Bees, Trees and Gardens (Are Bees the Canaries in the Garden?)


                                                           photography: ©Bettina Madini

I'm going to share some sobering observations, with the intent to hear from you what you have observed, in your gardens, this year. I had a conversation with another beekeeper, seeking input after my recent hive check and my sense of awkwardness and my awareness of a much bigger picture, beyond my garden. 
I know by now that, when I get this deep gutty growl in my stomach, that something is going on. Something is brewing and calling for my attention.  
The big puzzle is falling into place and revealing a sobering truth. 
At the same time, this sobering truth has lit a fire in me, a curiosity to follow the trail of events, to gather your observations and to look at the findings with wide open eyes, senses and infinite possibilities. We have choice: look away and sleep-wander in ignorance or look at what is and take action. 
I come from a long lineage of strong women, healers, visionaries and rubble women. When our gardens, our lives, our children are in danger, we women awaken the bitch in us. This is one of those moments. 
Here are my observations, random pieces of a bee-puzzle that starts to reveal a pattern. Are bees the canaries in the coal mine?

I checked my thriving hives 2 days ago and found the following (a 180 degrees different scenario from my previous check only 4 weeks ago):
1. Starkly reduced population (where is everyone?)
2. Almost no food storage (where did the honey storage go?)
3. Robber bees (which is natural, if there is a food shortage; colonies will rob the storage from another colony)
4. They had thrown out the drones rather late in the season (end of September)
5. Queen is there but no brood

My conversation with another beekeeper made it clear to me that a) I will have to treat my future colonies for mites (which I have not done so far, thinking that they can handle it; they can't)
b) Where in the past, one mite treatment in spring was enough, now we need to do 10 treatments in a season. (why is that, what's out of balance?)
c) Crops didn't make fruit: In my garden, we had squash flowers, but no fruit; I did have cucumbers. In his garden, he had cucumber flowers but no fruit; he did have squash. He mentioned massive damage to corn crop (burnt leaves). We had flowers on our fruit trees in spring, but in total only 3 apples (yes, 3 apples from 7 apple trees), no plums, no cherries; they all blossomed beautifully and got no frost, but no fruit.
d) I learned that we didn't have nectar this year. Only pollen. We had well flowing nectar early in the season (June and July), but hardly any nectar later in the season. This would explain why squash flowers didn't turn into fruit: if there is no nectar, there is no incentive for pollinators to go there. The flower will wilt and the plant not bear fruit. 
Everyone who sees the beautiful fruit trees blossom will, like me, think everything is fine. It's not. And I only learned about this so very recently. I had no idea! Everything looks picture perfect, but an invisible looming perpetrator finagles what can come from our gardens and fields.
I have never seen anything like this. 
If there is no nectar, bees cannot build the fat and the storage that they require for winter. The colony weakens and will be more susceptible to mite overgrowth. Bee colonies, in their, despair, will rob each other. 
While I'm feeding them sugar syrup right now, I know that one of my hives is basically doomed. The other one needs a lot of energy contributions and spirit-lifting. (I would be very happy to receive your energy contributions for my honey bees and all the honey bees all over the world. Just send them energy, free from judgment)
And, as I'm feeding them now, I'm wondering who and what the invisible enemy is, exactly, that disrupts our gardens, pollinators and food chain. I have been asking tons of questions, and of course, I've been making myself wrong for not treating the mite nuisance. My nagging awareness tells me there's more. There's much more to this. What are the bees telling us? The canary in the coal mine warns the workers, via its death, that there is gas, and they better all get out if they can. What are bees telling us? Are they the canaries in our gardens?

This morning, when I woke up, a light bulb went off: chem trails. Who is creating them? What is the stuff, exactly? Can it disturb plants in their growth? Can it contain specific substances that prevent plants from making the vital nectar that insures pollination? There is weather finagling, climate finagling, and much more finagling. If anybody had the (most dark) agenda to shrink food supplies, get farmers out of business so they can buy the farmland cheap and control food production, guess what? They would stop plants from making nectar, so they would not be pollinated while at the same time destroying pollinators, all of this without leaving a trace.

We need to wake up! Our observations are vital. Nowadays, everything is being made about science. Science, right now, might be too slow. WE are in our gardens. WE notice. WE observe. WE nurture. WE harvest. WE create bounty with nature. 
Only 200 years ago, there were hardly any agronomics. We were the farmers and gardeners. We would observe and make choices based on that. We would convene with our neighbors and talk about our observations. In the village, we would collectively take action and celebrate our bounty and harvest. I see US as the true power. No one can tell me what my child requires, better than I can. No one can tell me what I need to do in my garden, better than I can with my questions and awareness. No one can tell me how to spice my soup or paint my painting, because this is my knowing, my awareness, my journey.

My grandmother raised my mother during war, deprivation and extreme hardship. There was no science to tell her what to do. She did it, with her heart and soul and her knowing! And she did great!

My grandfather crossed different species of apples, and no science was there to tell him how to do this. He did it, with his love and deep care for his family and nature. He achieved a fantastic result, and his apples have been, to this day, the best apples I have ever had the privilege to taste.

A world without bees is NOT on my watch. Children not being able to eat fresh (natural) berries and apples: NOT on my watch. Synthetic food: NOT on my watch.

I'm starting to collect evidence, and I would love to hear your observations.

And here's a warning for fact-checkers: these are my personal observations. You cannot fact-check that. I own them, and they are my copyrighted material. And I swear all in here to be true. Better back off.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Giving up the Fight


                                                         'Dreamer' Acrylic on canvas. 24x18

Can we receive the oneness reaching for our heart? 

We have been wearing the key on a chain around our necks, avoiding the unlocking, looking for it outside of us, while distracting ourselves with fighting for rightness and digging ourselves deeper into separation, all the while feeding the beast that thrives on fighting and war, walls and separation. '... a vision softly creeping, left it's seeds while I was sleeping....' 

Awakening. Crossroads. Choice. Nature. Wake up Dreamer. 

Will you give up the machine of fight?  

We have been implanted, we have been branded, to judge each other, to label each other as cowards if we don't fight. Are we cowards? What is fight creating? What have all the wars of history been creating? Where have they taken us? What is the current war against mankind, at large, creating? What does fighting mean? We have to take a side, meaning we have to polarize into good and bad, right and wrong. The result? Separation. The machine that is creating the game board thrives on fight, hatred, anger, judgment, grief. We feed it each time we choose fight or judgment. 

How do we get out of this age-old mess?

By looking at this: What would I like the future on the earth to be like? What do I desire?

I had, quite some time ago, the most amazing conversations with a Muslim community, about their hatred of Jews. I simply asked them: Do you love your family? Yes. Do you love your children? Yes. Of course. What would you say if they were taken into camps and killed? Long silence. Quiet. Tears in their eyes. These men opened their hearts, by the fire, under the starry night sky. We kept talking, long into the night, about our commonalities. And our differences vanished. Hate points dissolved. Into the human heart that is so powerful.

We need to wake up to the beauty around us. What do we want the future on the earth to be like? Lushness of creation with the earth? Or desertification of our very being?

Anything we perpetrate on each other vibrates into everything.

We are connected with the most powerful web of love.

Let's abandon the fight. Practice allowance. And create a different future.

Let's create new systems and make the old ones obsolete. We don't need them. We were just told, over and over again, that they are all there is and that we need them. We don't. It's a lie.

Start opening to nature around you. Greet a flower in the morning. Whisper your gratitude to the trees. Trees are not lying. Flowers don't have agendas. Nor does your pet.

Blessing the waters, the flow of oneness through each pore of our being, the art of words and sound, well spoken in quiet melting silence, dancing with river clouds, absolutely and acutely present with the trees standing tall listening and whispering, weaving our knowing into the infinite web of beauty shivering in all spaces between spaces and echoing in each awakening heart. 

Wake up, Beauty. It's time! We require your presence.


P.S. 'Dreamer' is one of my original paintings. She is not sleeping. She is creating future. Deeply connected with earth and roots of trees, she receives the transparent veil brought to her by butterflies, from the skies to her earth body. She knows. She is fully awake in her night sleep. Consciously creating with all beings. She is oneness. And she knows that her asking is coming to fruition. Her vulnerability is her power.

Art prints on paper, canvas, metal or wood available at

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Where does a painting begin? Where does it go?

"Dancing" Acrylic on canvas, 30x30
This past weekend, so many visitors in my art space where curious about that topic. Nothing is more personal and unique to the artist than this journey.

To me, it is a journey. It starts in so many ways...  I always get a sense of 'rummaging', like tectonic plates moving. An undefinable unrest. What is moving? What wants to be created?
It is especially strong in this very moment, after six weeks of art events and only very little time in the studio. The urge to paint is strong. 

Last night, I cut a canvas and nailed it on the board and added a first layer of paint. My tiredness disappeared in the moment I started painting. It's a beginning, it's raw. It still looks like 'nothing', and it felt so good. I relax when I paint. The horse is saddled, now where do we go?🤠

It doesn't matter what shows up, it doesn't matter what the journey is going to be. What matters is the journey. It's my exploration with light and color, tapping into the harmonies and disharmonies, light and dark.

Just think about it: if everything can still change in any given moment, could there be a wrong move? A wrong color? A wrong gesture?

Very often, I say to myself: 'If I could not make any mistake, what could I create here right now?' (and this, of course, is also a metaphor for any area of life)

When I paint, everything is open, everything is space. I smile at my painting and simply breathe. This might sound anything but simple, but, believe me, it actually is. We make it complicated with our judgments. I do whatever I can not to judge the process. Otherwise,I would destroy my creations with the judgement.

I'm happy to share with you an image of that beginning. I'm exploring some new materials that have an effect of 'star-bursts'.

Notice the wrinkles in the canvas. This occurs when I wet the canvas. The beautiful cotton material shrinks and moves with the water. I replace my pins to allow for the canvas to adjust to it's new shape. Paint gathers in the 'waves', which I work with in the building of the piece.


You have to be an explorer, adventurer and gypsy in order to be and live the artistic thrival. 💃 Qualities that I proudly own (and found through my painting process).

Here are some close-ups of the new journey:

A few last thoughts and reminders:
1) Never give up
You never know where you can go unless you go.
2) Follow your joy
3) Never look back
My grandpa gave me that pearl (3) for my journey. 'Her- or his-story' (I love playing with words) is just a story. It's past, it's gone. It's not significant, it just brought us to where we are now. That's all. What counts is the present, where anything is possible.

Much gratitude to you, for being part of my journey!

P.S. Find my paintings and art prints at