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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bettina's workshop "Painting from the Heart"

Bettina Star-Rose is teaching a workshop/retreat at Peace and Wellness Center in Green Bay, WI, on November 27 titled "Painting from the Heart".

This is how my workshops came into manifestation:picture_bettinastar-rose
“My first workshop was given to me in 2006 by my angels.  While meditating, not thinking about anything, out of the blue, they dictated my first workshop description. Within 10 minutes, I had the complete wording! “Now, put it into your pc and get the flyer out!”, they said lovingly and assertively. “Well”, I thought, “we might be putting it out on the West coast, or maybe Chicago, or Milwaukee (I came a bit closer to home (near Madison, WI) “No”, they intervened fast, “right HERE! Here where you are living!” Perplexed and rather bewildered, I uttered “HERE???!!!  It is for sure beautiful countryside, but for a workshop like this one…?”

I had just moved into the area and didn’t know too many people in the Madison, Wisconsin area. I knew by then, though, that I had always been well guided by my angelic team, so I followed my persistent advisors and put the information out in my area. To my surprise, journalists from local newspapers showed up at our place and printed interviews with my bio, my artwork and the workshop! Very soon after, people started calling and coming for my workshops.  It was amazing! The coverage of these newspapers went further, actually, than I would have expected... (thank you, angels...!). The word spread, and I have been offering my creativity workshops ever since.

oneness_heart_w_copyrightNot only did it allow me to teach my way of “Free Spirit Painting” and assist others in letting go of wrong messages, not to say lies, about their creativity; messages that they had bought into somewhere, sometime, but it created an understanding for my art and started a local network and community for me! I met so many wonderful people from all around the greater Madison area through my workshops! I met healers, artists, farmers, herbalists, visionaries, powerful creators of all kind! It has been an ever-expanding blessing for me, on many levels!

I am so looking forward to offering my “Painting from Your Heart” workshop at The Peace & Wellness Center in Green Bay and would be honored to assist you on your journey of expanding your notion of your own creativity to help you see and experience your own inner artist! We will be connecting with our hearts, the space where the seed of truth has never, I say NEVER!, been obstructed, where our dreams have been stored safely, for this moment of Now! Are you ready to remember who you are?

Then come and join us for a full day of creativity, joy, exploration, and sacred dreaming/meditation, and, of course, painting with watercolors! No artistic experience is required!

I am looking forward to meeting you!”

To view Bettina’s art work, visit her website at Title of the painting in this article: "Oneness Heart" by Bettina Star-Rose.

More info about the workshop:
Link to the class description

Friday, October 21, 2011

More Angels!

Here are two new angels in my Angel Series, the "Angel of Purity" and the "Angel of the Golden Voice"! As always, they came unexpectedly and with beautiful messages. Both were painted in watercolor. Enjoy!

"Angel of Purity", 2011

”Angel of Purity” brings ‘Purity’ as a quality of the heart, symbolized by the white dove that she is releasing. Purity of thought, word and action. She assists in releasing old hurt and pain, so that we can approach life with curiosity, childlike innocence and with a pure heart, with a clean slate and pure consciousness. May ‘Purity’ be with you, wherever you go, whatever you do, and guide you to your highest purpose, into the fullest expression of self! May she guide you on your journey into the new!”

"Angel of the Golden Voice", 2011

”Angel of the Golden Voice” brings ‘the gift of healing our voice, so that we speak out truth from the Heart, from the place where Love, Wisdom and Power are in complete balance, where we honor ourselves as well as everybody else and all life! Once we are aware of the impact of our spoken word, on others and in return on ourselves, we will be using our words wisely and consciously. When we speak from our hearts, the true inner heart space, our words will hold the energy of the Threefold Flame: Love, Wisdom and Power.”

Both angels will be available soon as fine art (giclee) prints in limited edition for $ 99 each. If you would like to preorder, please send me an email to

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Dream Lotus" cover

"Dream Lotus"
My painting "Dream Lotus" was chosen for the cover of the September issue of the 'Monthly Aspectarian', a widely circulated alternative magazine out of the Chicago area. 

“Dream Lotus” is a very colorful pastel painting, with many layers of soft chalk pastels. As with all my paintings and pastels, “Dream Lotus” happened in the moment. I never have any sketches or think about a composition, but enjoy the intuitive flow to unfold.
The message of “Dream Lotus” is to ‘Follow your Dreams’. It is a joyful celebration of Spirit unfolding and the Manifestation of Life. It is a beautiful piece of art to meditate or journey with. Enjoy! 


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Show at The Theosophical Society, Olcott Gallery, in Wheaton, Illinois

"Dreaming Willow"
Pastel on paper

On display are 14 of my paintings, among them the original "Dreaming Willow", as well as the original "Buddha Nature" and "Summer Glow". My show runs from July through September.

The gallery is open weekdays from 9am to 12pm and 1 to 5pm. Visitors have to check in at the desk.

"Buddha Nature"
Watercolor on paper

"Summer Glow"
Acrylic on canvas

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sacred Dreamer

"Sacred Dreamer", 2011

Last year, I read the "Ringing Cedar Series", a 9 book series written by Vladimir Megre, under the guidance of Anastasia. The Love and Spiritual Empowerment that I perceived emanating from these books were very profound. My painting "Sacred Dreamer" was inspired by the activation of ancient memories within my soul and the total activation of the memory of my Star lineage.

I would like to share with you this paragraph from my friend "Anastasia". As we are planting many seeds now, inside and outside, this is a beautiful reminder of the power that this act holds when done in a sacred and 'heartful' way. Dream up your vision of Beauty for our planet! And enjoy its manifestation!

"The seed as physician
... Every seed you plant contains within itself an enormous amount of information about the Universe. Nothing made by human hands can compare with this information either in size or accuracy. Through the help of these data the seed knows the exact time, down to the millisecond, when it is to come alive, to grow, what juices it is to take from the Earth, how to make use of the rays of the celestial bodies – the Sun, Moon and stars – what it is to grow into, what fruit to bring forth. These fruits are designed to sustain Man’s life. More powerfully and effectively than any manufactured drugs to the present or future, these fruits are capable of counteracting and withstanding any disease of the human body. But to this end these seed must know about the human condition. So that during the maturation process it can satiate its fruit with the right correlation of substances to heal a specific individual of his disease, if indeed he has it or is prone to it.

In order for the seed of a cucumber, tomato or any other plant grown in one’s plot to have such information, the following steps are necessary:

Before planting, put into your mouth one or more little seeds, hold them in our mouth, under the tongue, for at least nine minutes. Then, place the seed between the palms of your hands and hold it there for about thirty seconds. During this time it is important that you be standing barefoot on the spot of earth where you will later be planting it. Open your hands, and carefully raise the seed …  to your mouth. Then blow on it lightly, warming it with your breath, and the wee little seed will know everything that is within you. Then you need to hold it with your hands open another thirty seconds, presenting the seed to the celestial bodies. And the seed will determine the moment of its awakening.
The planets will all help it! And they will give the sprouts the light they need to produce fruit especially for you. After that you may plant the seed in the ground. In no case should you water it right off, so as not to wash away the saliva which is now covering it, along with other information about you that the seed will take in. It can be watered three days after planting.”

(from “Anastasia”,  p.77-78, book no.1 of the “Ringing Cedar Series”, by Vladimir Megre)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ancient Cave

"Activation of the Mother Cave", 2010    

At a workshop in Sedona, AZ, last year in August, "Earth Sky Heart" with Drunvalo Melchizedek, we were guided into the center of Earth. Memories were activated in my subconscious, and the familiar images of glowing rock and golden light stayed with me.

Back home, I painted "Activation of the Mother Cave". Oranges, Burnt sienna, Reds and Golds joined in an earthy glow. The ancient cave is re-activated, Earth energies are moving. Huge crystals and a transparent crystal pyramid beaming energy and releasing information they had received for storage a long time ago. An ancient civilization is being reborn.

At the end, dolphins came in, bringing their essence, wisdom and support.

It took me several months to finish this painting, the process being unusually slow.

We all can access the information that is available for us NOW. By being out in nature, connecting with trees and planting our feet into Earth! What a glorious celebration! It might not look so glorious on the surface, but inside, there where the knowledge is and has been kept forever, all is well. All is right on plan. All is awakening, breathing.

I invite you to breathe with us! Inhale and exhale, rhythmically, the song of the Sun and the Earth, the Moon and the Stars. Remember. Remember. This song weaves a pattern of light, golden and warm, new and old.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A New, Old Medium

Last year, I gave myself another nudge into 'venturing out' and trying a new medium. New to me: Oil.

Those of you who know me might know that I have made several half-hearted attempts in the past to ‘try out’ oil painting. They never went anywhere. Instead, I always found myself being magnetically drawn back to my beloved acrylics and watercolors! Ah, these water based mediums! How I love them!

Well, well, years ago, in a wave of enthusiasm, I had asked my friend Shirley Ericksson, a wonderful master of oil, to teach me. Half-heartedly, making yet another attempt. Last year then, 2010, she decided my time had come to learn about oil... Oh, oh!... I gave myself a push and bought the supplies from her list. 'Well, I do it for her!', I thought to overcome the growing resistance within me. Isn't that interesting? I observed myself and truly did not understand these contradictory energies that were pulling and pushing me.

"Roses for Shakira", 2010

Under Shirley's watchful eyes, in August of 2010, I started my first painting in oil, "Roses for Shakira". Shakira was my white, six-toe shaman cat that was run over by a car just while I painted this painting. The colors of the peonies were his colors... white and tan, and the sky picks up the very bright blue of his eyes...

"Shirley's Pitcher with Pink Lady", 2010

"Shirley's Pitcher with Pink Lady" followed. I had never painted a still life and enjoyed the unfolding of the shapes, shades and colors.

Shirley took me out into the field, and I painted the old "Apple Tree". What a magical place in nature that was! The tree was overgrown by a vine and showed clear signs of decline, yet still had a few apples. What an old, precious tree, slowly leaning over to the side, following the path of life of receiving and giving and letting go. While sitting there in the high grass, with my paints, brushes and canvas, and my teacher behind me, I was in silent communication with the wind, the clouds and the sun, the elementals and all the creatures that showed themselves to me.

"Apple Tree", 2010

I was so inspired! I love oils! It is effortless! I took off and painted flowers, in my studio and outdoors, and some are still in the making, interrupted by winter with its indoor confinement. Here are some of the finalized paintings:

"Autumn Flowers", 2010

"Zinnia", 2010

"Gladiola", 2011

There is nothing that could possibly replace the breathing of an outdoor space for painting! Being out there with the trees, with the flowers, in their own silently moving surrender, when the shades on the trees paint ever changing shapes and when, at the end of a day of painting, the sun comes out again before setting and throws a veil of glowing powder across an already magical landscape. I am deeply humbled.

I feel that I discovered a new World in my Universe of Painting! I love to share these pictures with you. Enjoy!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Beauty and Strength

by Bettina

Pastel on paper

Here is what my friend, Peggy Nelson, posted today on her blog about my new pastel with the title "Strength". Her words are so beautiful and reflect so very well what the tree communicated to me that I would like to share it with you here on my blog. Enjoy! Thank you, Peggy!

by Peggy Nelson, MS, OT

Bettina, is a local artist, offering classes and workshops on awakening the heart through creative expression. Bettina draws inspiration for her artwork from nature and she recently created a pastel drawing of the willow tree at Pauquette Park in Portage. When she began the drawing, the tree was intact and majestically watching over the pond. One of our summer storms damaged the tree, leaving her tattered and torn…. but still she stands, unchanged in her resolve. Bettina titled her drawing “Strength” and rightfully so.

When she told me the story and showed me the drawing, I was immediately drawn to it. I am reminded that my body is also showing wear and I, like the tree, am unchanged. Holding the image of the tree in my heart is a great comfort and I accept its invitation to stand in the truth that I am more than my body…. and I can handle whatever life sends me with the dignity and grace of the willow tree.

According to Ted Andrews, in "Nature-Speak; Signs, Omens & Messages in Nature", the willow is a magical and healing tree. “It stimulates an energy of healing on many levels…it awakens flexibility and encourages many avenues of exploration…” The willow tree is associated with the awakening of feminine energies.

I think that when the weather warms and the snows recede, I will pay a visit to this tree. In the meantime, I have Bettina’s beautiful drawing of “Strength” to remind me that I am more than my body… I am strong in my broken places. I AM Strength.