Here is what my friend, Peggy Nelson, posted today on her blog about my new pastel with the title "Strength". Her words are so beautiful and reflect so very well what the tree communicated to me that I would like to share it with you here on my blog. Enjoy! Thank you, Peggy!
by Peggy Nelson, MS, OT
Bettina, is a local artist, offering classes and workshops on awakening the heart through creative expression. Bettina draws inspiration for her artwork from nature and she recently created a pastel drawing of the willow tree at Pauquette Park in Portage. When she began the drawing, the tree was intact and majestically watching over the pond. One of our summer storms damaged the tree, leaving her tattered and torn…. but still she stands, unchanged in her resolve. Bettina titled her drawing “Strength” and rightfully so.
When she told me the story and showed me the drawing, I was immediately drawn to it. I am reminded that my body is also showing wear and I, like the tree, am unchanged. Holding the image of the tree in my heart is a great comfort and I accept its invitation to stand in the truth that I am more than my body…. and I can handle whatever life sends me with the dignity and grace of the willow tree.
According to Ted Andrews, in "Nature-Speak; Signs, Omens & Messages in Nature", the willow is a magical and healing tree. “It stimulates an energy of healing on many levels…it awakens flexibility and encourages many avenues of exploration…” The willow tree is associated with the awakening of feminine energies.
I think that when the weather warms and the snows recede, I will pay a visit to this tree. In the meantime, I have Bettina’s beautiful drawing of “Strength” to remind me that I am more than my body… I am strong in my broken places. I AM Strength.