Bettina Star-Rose is teaching a workshop/retreat at Peace and Wellness Center in Green Bay, WI, on November 27 titled "Painting from the Heart".
This is how my workshops came into manifestation:
“My first workshop was given to me in 2006 by my angels. While meditating, not thinking about anything, out of the blue, they dictated my first workshop description. Within 10 minutes, I had the complete wording! “Now, put it into your pc and get the flyer out!”, they said lovingly and assertively. “Well”, I thought, “we might be putting it out on the West coast, or maybe Chicago, or Milwaukee (I came a bit closer to home (near Madison, WI) “No”, they intervened fast, “right HERE! Here where you are living!” Perplexed and rather bewildered, I uttered “HERE???!!! It is for sure beautiful countryside, but for a workshop like this one…?”
I had just moved into the area and didn’t know too many people in the Madison, Wisconsin area. I knew by then, though, that I had always been well guided by my angelic team, so I followed my persistent advisors and put the information out in my area. To my surprise, journalists from local newspapers showed up at our place and printed interviews with my bio, my artwork and the workshop! Very soon after, people started calling and coming for my workshops. It was amazing! The coverage of these newspapers went further, actually, than I would have expected... (thank you, angels...!). The word spread, and I have been offering my creativity workshops ever since.
Not only did it allow me to teach my way of “Free Spirit Painting” and assist others in letting go of wrong messages, not to say lies, about their creativity; messages that they had bought into somewhere, sometime, but it created an understanding for my art and started a local network and community for me! I met so many wonderful people from all around the greater Madison area through my workshops! I met healers, artists, farmers, herbalists, visionaries, powerful creators of all kind! It has been an ever-expanding blessing for me, on many levels!
I am so looking forward to offering my “Painting from Your Heart” workshop at The Peace & Wellness Center in Green Bay and would be honored to assist you on your journey of expanding your notion of your own creativity to help you see and experience your own inner artist! We will be connecting with our hearts, the space where the seed of truth has never, I say NEVER!, been obstructed, where our dreams have been stored safely, for this moment of Now! Are you ready to remember who you are?
Then come and join us for a full day of creativity, joy, exploration, and sacred dreaming/meditation, and, of course, painting with watercolors! No artistic experience is required!
I am looking forward to meeting you!”
To view Bettina’s art work, visit her website at Title of the painting in this article: "Oneness Heart" by Bettina Star-Rose.
More info about the workshop:
Link to the class description