"Beginning of a New Journey" by Bettina Madini
So, what am I then? Is this all there is? Dance me beyond all of this, baby!
If you look around on my website, you find examples of what I've been creating, so far. My journey with art is guided by curiosity and also my willingness to allow these paintings to come through. I began with abstract painting, studied portrait and figure, I paint flowers and trees, mountains and rivers, if I get the pull of an invitation energy. I paint angels even, and it's not that I say 'Oh, let's paint an angel!' No, I paint and then the painting tells me it's an angel It tells me it's name even. The one thing that is common to all is an energy of joy and inspiration, it's a receiving, a colorful journey that birthes a creation that desires to inspire the world. They have music to them, too.
For me, they are a dance of possibility, undefined, unconfined and totally inconsistent, in the way that they invite me and everyone to not have any expectation or conclusion.
At the same time, I had to be willing for people to choose what they choose, when they would define me as 'angel painter', as 'abstract painter' or whatever. I have to be willing to receive judgment. People have all kinds of points of view about paintings, and they sometimes would throw them in my face. That's ok. And I keenly pay attention to positive judgment and that I'm not getting hooked into it. If somebody says 'Oh, that's your best painting! Or, ten people in a show love the same painting. It could be easy for me to 'paint more of that' from being 'hooked' into the positive judgment. So, I choose to be the open invitation for the painting that would love to be painted, even if nobody sees them, even if they judge them. And all these colorful beings show up that I'm delighted to dance with, with ease and wings.
"Beginning of a New Journey" came into being rather unexpectedly. I was outside in my garden. It was a hot summer day and I had been planting, cleaning garden beds and digging with my hands in the soil. (yes, I have gloves, but somehow, soil gets in anyway! I guess I love the earth so much!!!! and the earth loves me so much, too!)
I was sweaty and had soil all over me. A thunderstorm came up, and I was fierce in my garden. I had been with that energy for hours while out there, and then it started building! As the storm rolled in and the thunderheads were building up and the first thunder joined the sinfony, I was almost exploding. Didn't know any more where to put the energy, more digging in the rain didn't dissipate it! I was wet from the rain, soil all over me and fierce. Ok, I thought. Ok, Ok! Got it!
As wet and dirty as I was, I literally ran into my studio, grabbed a blank canvas, squirted my oils onto my palette, fast, as this being was definitely ready to be ‘delivered’. So I took the palette knife, shiny and new as I hadn’t used it before, and as the storm was dancing, I was dancing in my studio with a painting being born. Oil added to the soil on my hands and arms, I was breathing, singing and talking! Wow! I was the storm.
What a dance, fast and swirling, amazing clouds of light and color! As the earth storm quieted, my dance slowed down, longer swirls, heart pounding, more white against indigo. ‘Well, what would you like to be?’
After about 4 hours, the painting was shining on my easel. It was born. It asked for some more details and additions within the following days.
I sometimes wonder, what new journey did begin? Some energy was released. With wings wide open. Enough holding back! Enough control! Enough stepping back to not make others comfortable! Enough being little! Enough unwillingness to receive judgment! Enough is enough!
What began is a journey of receiving, a journey of allowance and dance with the earth and the sky, with all the elements that our beautiful planet has to gift to us. What else can we all receive? What elements known or unknown are waiting for us to ask "Would you like to dance with me?"
Oh, the smile!
"Beginning of a New Journey" chose to be the cover of a potent book, titled "The Power of Releasing Judgment". 26 authors share their stories, their inspirations and tools they have used that allowed them to find access to a world that has no judgment. And that, friends, is a journey in itself! If this book could be a contribution to anyone you know, you can acquire it here on amazon: http://amzn.to/1QMNOdY
It is a #1 Amazon Bestseller! and it keeps flying!
And I'm so proud to be one of the authors!
Some of the authors are using tools of Access Consciousness®. Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas. Please find out more about Access Consciousness® at www.AccessConsciousness.com.