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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Dance Me Beyond This Reality!

"Beginning of a New Journey" by Bettina Madini

For quite some time, I walked with the erroneous belief that, as an artist, I had to have 'my style'. This is what everyone in the art world talks about. "She has found her style. She has not found herself yet.” And it's a bad thing if you haven't found yourself. Then, you're not a good artist.

So, what am I then? Is this all there is? Dance me beyond all of this, baby!

If you look around on my website, you find examples of what I've been creating, so far. My journey with art is guided by curiosity and also my willingness to allow these paintings to come through. I began with abstract painting, studied portrait and figure, I paint flowers and trees, mountains and rivers, if I get the pull of an invitation energy. I paint angels even, and it's not that I say 'Oh, let's paint an angel!' No, I paint and then the painting tells me it's an angel It tells me it's name even. The one thing that is common to all is an energy of joy and inspiration, it's a receiving, a colorful journey that birthes a creation that desires to inspire the world. They have music to them, too.

For me, they are a dance of possibility, undefined, unconfined and totally inconsistent, in the way that they invite me and everyone to not have any expectation or conclusion.

At the same time, I had to be willing for people to choose what they choose, when they would define me as 'angel painter', as 'abstract painter' or whatever. I have to be willing to receive judgment. People have all kinds of points of view about paintings, and they sometimes would throw them in my face. That's ok. And I keenly pay attention to positive judgment and that I'm not getting hooked into it. If somebody says 'Oh, that's your best painting! Or, ten people in a show love the same painting. It could be easy for me to 'paint more of that' from being 'hooked' into the positive judgment. So, I choose to be the open invitation for the painting that would love to be painted, even if nobody sees them, even if they judge them. And all these colorful beings show up that I'm delighted to dance with, with ease and wings.

"Beginning of a New Journey" came into being rather unexpectedly. I was outside in my garden. It was a hot summer day and I had been planting, cleaning garden beds and digging with my hands in the soil. (yes, I have gloves, but somehow, soil gets in anyway! I guess I love the earth so much!!!! and the earth loves me so much, too!)

I was sweaty and had soil all over me. A thunderstorm came up, and I was fierce in my garden. I had been with that energy for hours while out there, and then it started building! As the storm rolled in and the thunderheads were building up and the first thunder joined the sinfony, I was almost exploding. Didn't know any more where to put the energy, more digging in the rain didn't dissipate it! I was wet from the rain, soil all over me and fierce. Ok, I thought. Ok, Ok! Got it!

As wet and dirty as I was, I literally ran into my studio, grabbed a blank canvas, squirted my oils onto my palette, fast, as this being was definitely ready to be ‘delivered’. So I took the palette knife, shiny and new as I hadn’t used it before, and as the storm was dancing, I was dancing in my studio with a painting being born. Oil added to the soil on my hands and arms, I was breathing, singing and talking! Wow! I was the storm.

What a dance, fast and swirling, amazing clouds of light and color! As the earth storm quieted, my dance slowed down, longer swirls, heart pounding, more white against indigo. ‘Well, what would you like to be?’

After about 4 hours, the painting was shining on my easel. It was born. It asked for some more details and additions within the following days.

I sometimes wonder, what new journey did begin? Some energy was released. With wings wide open. Enough holding back! Enough control! Enough stepping back to not make others comfortable! Enough being little! Enough unwillingness to receive judgment! Enough is enough!

What began is a journey of receiving, a journey of allowance and dance with the earth and the sky, with all the elements that our beautiful planet has to gift to us. What else can we all receive? What elements known or unknown are waiting for us to ask "Would you like to dance with me?"

Oh, the smile!


"Beginning of a New Journey" chose to be the cover of a potent book, titled "The Power of Releasing Judgment". 26 authors share their stories, their inspirations and tools they have used that allowed them to find access to a world that has no judgment. And that, friends, is a journey in itself! If this book could be a contribution to anyone you know, you can acquire it here on amazon:
It is a #1 Amazon Bestseller! and it keeps flying!
And I'm so proud to be one of the authors!

Some of the authors are using tools of Access Consciousness®. Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas. Please find out more about Access Consciousness® at 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Launch Excerpt: Space of Being

Happy Publishing CEO, Erica Glessing asked me to write a chapter in her group-authored book "The Power of Releasing Judgment". 'Space of Being' is what came out of it. Enjoy a little taste of the book and my chapter…

The Power of Releasing Judgment

Bettina’s Chapter: Space of Being


When I received the invitation for contributing a chapter to this book I happily replied with a joyful yes! It was so light and expansive. Once I opened my laptop and sat in front of the empty page I wasn’t quite sure where to even begin. Judgment, I wondered, was everywhere. How could I approach something so vast, so slippery and multi-faceted in one chapter? How could I approach something that is the very core and structure of this entire reality, in a few pages? 
So, let me invite you on a walk, on a journey. I have no idea where we will be going. There are so many possibilities as to how this journey could unfold. So, let’s go sit by a tree. 

A tree will not judge you, nature overall does not judge you. Have you noticed? The sense of ease and relaxation in nature is created by the total lack of judgment. 

Where judgment stops is where being begins 

Being is not something that we have to become or find, or something outside of us. We are that already. It just got obstructed and diminished. We all allowed judgment to be more real than choosing for us. 

The space of being is a space that does not know judgment. Being is when we express our joy and choose what we would like to create. It is the space where we honor ourselves, and others. We don’t change ourselves for others, nor do we cut off pieces of ourselves so that others will like us. We don’t blindly succumb to tradition or follow in anybody’s footsteps without asking questions. It is the space beyond definition, beyond roles and confinement. We include everything and everyone in our choices, also the earth and also our bodies. We are totally present and live from question and awareness, curiosity and the willing- ness to change. 
What if we never judged anyone or anything, not even ourselves, not even our bodies? 

This reality that we think is real 

I grew up in Berlin in the 1960s, a time marked by separation and cold war. Who could come up with the idea of separating a city by building a wall right through it, with both parts being governed by different political points of view and social systems, each part based on the assumption that they were ‘right’? 

The trees stand still. Turmoil of human creation will not disturb their being. They stand and wait, for us to choose something different. 

My family was on the West side, and I grew up with all the amenities of Western culture. As a child, I couldn’t understand the concept of the wall. There was no space in my universe for long waiting and seemingly endless controls at borders, military police with guns, and a strange energy of fear that was hanging like a thick cloak above the long, trailing lines of silent cars waiting at the check point, an inevitable procedure on the way to vacation destinations. 

In all these strange dynamics of human creation, I had my own small oasis in the middle of the city. My grandparents had a garden in Berlin. I spent half of my waking days there, a happy child when I could be by fruit trees, flowers, berries and garden beds. I would plant seeds, pick cherries and watch nature from soft blankets in the shade. 
Do you get the insanity of judgment? Do you see the creations that we choose when we judge? 

Any judgment, whether we consider something as right or wrong, whether we think something is great or horrible, creates a limitation. Judgments, definitions and conclusions are everywhere. Just turn on the news. 

If we had no judgments, would we have a different world? 

Now, this is what interests me. If we had no judgment, what would be possible? If we didn’t judge ourselves what could we create? If there was no right and wrong, could there be walls? 

How much do we limit ourselves with judgments? When we think we have to do things a certain way, ‘the right way’, we create the very limit of our own reality, the wall that we can- not overcome, and we drain our being. For every judgment, there are many other judgments that hold that one judgment in place. It is like a multi-level structure. Judgments become the walls that separate us from our being, our body and the earth. 

You know somewhere within you that something different is possible. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here, reading this book. You might have wondered what different reality was possible, a reality that was not based on judgment but built upon allowance? 

Are you a dreamer? Can you imagine a world based on joy and happiness, respect and allowance? A reality that also includes the earth? Not just from a scientific point of view, but based on caring for the living being that we call the earth?.....

Enjoy this taste? You can buy the book on Amazon here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Laugh More - Cry Less! Pathway To Being You!

When people are mean and vicious, which is totally their choice, what are they trying to create?
Are they supporting you? Are they trying to 'bring you down'? Are they trying to poison the well of infinite possibility, the well of you being you? If you were being you, you the infinite being, could anyone bring you down? If you get angry and upset about them and their choice, what is this? What are you creating with that choice? What if in that very moment that you go to defending, what if you asked a question before moving ahead with that?

A question could be "What else is possible here?" "What am I aware of that I haven't acknowledged?"

What choice could you make, what question could you ask that could move you around them and their energy, around what they are trying to create? And also, are you creating you as a victim?

Anger and rage are 'implants' that are designed to distract us from the greatness of who we truly are. They are designed to keep us from choosing greater. We react instead of act.

What other choice could you make that would change the energy of the situation?

What if their meanness and viciousness is just an interesting point of view?

It could be that you're just about choosing something greater, that you're just on the threshold of the magic of YOU the Being, like a 'quantum leap' of choosing what you have never chosen before and willing to choose and be now, and there might be energies that try to keep you from stepping up (you might also have 'employed' these energies once upon a time, in order to exactly do that! Yes, we are powerful creators and mostly use that to limit ourselves.... Time for Change?)

So, would you be willing to ask a question in the face of adversity, in the face of meanness and viciousness and LAUGH into their face?
And, instead of lowering your volume, would you be willing to turn it up?

As I'm writing this, I'm right now laughing and turning it way up!!!!

No more victim! No more poor me! No more small and consistent, but giant phenomenal inconsistent being, Yes?

I'm choosing the greatness of me, and if some people don't like that, never mind! It's their choice, and I truly wish them best luck! I'm choosing it anyway! Just because I can, and it's way more fun for me! 
ROARING is more fun for me than whispering. HaHaHaaaa!

Laughing is so much lighter than crying! (laughing is receiving, crying is avoiding...!)

What if we all give this entire box-reality a good laugh, right now?

And, you know what? Right now, as I'm writing this, I'm really having this moment of gratitude for all the mean and vicious people I have ever met in this or any lifetime! They actually were a gift by showing me a pathway to choosing me rather than choosing the limited reality they held up in my face! A path to choosing me rather than them. Wherever I made their judgment mean something, anything, I chose their judgment and their point of view and made it real. Wherever I resisted meanness, I now receive it all, past present future, I receive it. And I ask "How can I use this energy to my advantage?"
Thank you for showing me where I have put myself into a box! I'm moving around you! Into the wide open, magical space of being, where I don't have a point of view of who likes my colors and my song.

I sing my song, I shine in my colors, and I create what I came here to create. And I know, other than me, there are at least a god zillion of earth molecules more than happy to create with me! And that tapestry, my friends, is priceless!
Here's my gift to you: Laughter!

#justaninterestingpointofview #livingbeyonddistraction #beingyou #laughmore