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Monday, June 19, 2017

Ready for your Confident Embodiment?

How many of you are 'sitting on your creativity'? 

What I found is that, if we're brilliant potent creators, and we don't acknowledge it, and we don't give it a way to flow, when we 'sit on it', it creates sort of a time-bomb. If I don't make the space for painting that is a contribution to my being (and body), it really starts hurting.... I have to make sure, and I know this by now, it's vital to my being, I have to make sure with discipline of choice, no matter WHAT, to make space for the energy to flow. 

At times, I paint, at times I sing, at times I write or dance or ..... and it ALWAYS creates greater! I might not always know right away WHAT EXACTLY it creates, but it creates, and that's what interests me. CREATE CREATE CREATE. I'm a moon-sun-goddess-dragon-phoenix-and-what- else?-creator of magnitude... ARE YOU? Have you acknowledged it? 

Instead of allowing the frustration to grow like a giant weed, what can you choose? Move the paints, pour them, sing, dance, write your memoires, it doesn't matter who says what about it. Creation is what matters. When you hold this painting in your hand, when you look at your blog, when you sing to the flowers and rain drops, man, this is what counts. Earth, my friends, earth will ALWAYS listen! 

Keep creating, find an outlet of some sort. It might be that the entire world is waiting for you to make that frickin' choice..... What are you waiting for?

 "Colorful Embodiment - Confident You" 
is an invitation for you, to look at what you would like to embody here on the earth. What if nothing could stop you, get you off track, intimidate you, slow you down? You will get tools that you can use to change what doesn't allow that. What if what you know is possible is what's required for the earth to have a sustainable future?

When we are in communion with everything, what does this mean? We are willing to receive... everything. We don't resist, and we don't align. We be.

When? Friday, June 30, 2016 9:30am-6pm
Where? by Montello, WI, USA
More info and registration:

Friday, June 9, 2017

Never give up!

"Tree of Life Creation" by Bettina

At times, I can't help crying. For all these amazing creators that hit the walls of this reality, for their broken bones and dreams, the songs that were never heard, the colors that left the planet with them, never seen, never invited to be received by others, the paintings never painted, all the possibilities never born.

And then, I remember it's all choice.

My tears dry and the clouds pass. I turn to the earth and she smiles her flowered face at me. "It is choice.", she beams. "Their dreams are never lost. For anything to ever be lost, there would have to be an end. Is there ever an end? An end requires a beginning. Is there a beginning? And what could you find if there was never, ever, anything lost? You just haven't chosen it. What they knew was possible dawns each day on the horizon, ready to be picked up by you. It's a choice for living they haven't made. Will you choose it? Will you pick up the thread and create what YOU know is possible? Will you choose the living you know you can have? And invite the entire world to choose that too?" 

Oh, the beauty of that. What if nothing is ever lost? What if it's just a choice we haven't made, yet? Imagine.... What if we never give up?

If you have a nagging energy in your world, it might be time to ask some questions, such as

What am I aware of?
What choice can I make right now?
What choices are available for me now that were not available before?
What did I come here to create?

And just ask these questions, or any one of them, in the morning, without the need to find an answer.
Asking a true question is not about getting an answer. 
It's about opening a door that we had shut before. It's about receiving awareness and not having any conclusions. Just simply ask and go about your day.

And see what shows up. Something will ALWAYS show up! It might just look different than what we thought. So having no conclusions about it will allow the universe to bring something to us that will be so 'out-of-the-expected', it will be an energy, it might show up as a friend inviting you to a restaurant, it might be turning off the road you always drive on and finding a park that you hadn't seen before, it might be anything. And when we follow that, even if it doesn't make sense, it will create an energy. For example, sitting for half an hour in that park might allow your body to relax, might allow your head to relax, and you might have these amazing ideas, or you find a class flyer on the bench and you really love the energy of that class that you might choose to attend, and it goes on and on. 

The universe is not linear. The universe is a spiraling, connecting, moving, flowing, contributing space. Wouldn't it be fun for you to receive from that space? 

It might bring you things that push your buttons, that trigger you out of your comfort zone, and so what if it's uncomfortable?

What if what we define as comfort is the very box we try to get out of?

Ask "Am I trying to keep my comfort zone?". And what else can you choose?

What if the dawning possibilities come with discomfort? What if that energy is not discomfort but a new and different energy that invites you to dance and create with it?

What are you aware of?
What choice is dawning on your horizon that you haven't chosen yet?
What have you identified as discomfort that is the you you have been asking for?
What's can I ask for that will allow me to relax into that space of me?

Have a beautiful day, my friends!

Cheers on your journey!

p.s. Let me know if I can be a contribution to you! I offer "Rock The World" sessions in person or via phone/skype. Would you like a free Intro session? (Free only for first-timers)

Subscribe for a first free 30 min. "Rock-the-World" session with Bettina

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