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Wednesday, November 3, 2021
What is Beauty?
You Are Color. You Are Song. You Are You.
There are gifts that we all have, gifts that we usually ignore, gifts that no one has ever pointed out to us. And as no one ever mentioned it or supported that in us, we think and conclude that we are not gifted. Yet, we all are powerful creators.
Imagine, in your earliest childhood, you would have been surrounded by people who saw your beauty. People who treated you with great respect, as the infinite being you are, and marveled at what you might be choosing and how they could contribute to you. Who were curious as to what gifts and talents might be showing up in the years to follow. People who paid attention to you.
How would this have been?
I’m not looking at making anybody wrong. Our families were not wrong. They did the best they could, with the tools they had available. Most probably, they were not being paid attention to, marveled at and supported. And, what if we can be that now for ourselves?
Can you change things for you? Paying attention to you, now? Marveling at you, just simply as you are? What if you were present for you? Imagine?
What would be different?
What would be different if we had no past?
"If you have no past, you have no judgments. If you have judgment, you’re living in the past." - Gary Douglas
If you knew you are a color, if you knew it in your heart that you are a song, that you are beauty, that the stars in the sky marvel at you, as does the earth, what would you choose?
What colors would be your colors?
The journey of discovery is magical. Nothing is lost. You are not lost. You might have wandered on a grey road for a moment. And now you are here. You are reading these lines that are flowing to you as energies, like flowers dancing in the breeze.
You have gifts that you have no idea you have.
Is now the time to un-cover, un-ravel, chisel at the marble to find the you that has always been there?
So, what are your gifts and talents? What are you really good at?
Usually, it’s these things that are too easy for us. The things we always ‘just do’, and it’s no big deal. Like small sketches while we’re on the phone. We just draw. Do you think ‘Oh, it’s nothing! I just do them. And then I toss them away.’ Have you ever looked at these drawings? Whatever it is that is so easy for you to do that you disregard them, this is where you do NOT acknowledge you and your gifts.
What is so easy for you to do? And what is fun? Do you just sing, just because? And you make up a million songs and never write them down? Is this ‘just’ what you do on the side?
What if you started paying attention to these? The sketches, poems, songs, writings, graphics, cooking recipes, all these things that you come up with, that you invent?
Write them down, make a list of these ‘too easy’-things.
And then ask “Is there a gift that I have that I have never acknowledged?” (if this question makes you smile, it is a truth for you. It is a gift that not everyone has) We assume, that, because it is so easy for us, everyone can do it. And that is not true.
We assume it’s ‘nothing’ because no one has ever pointed it out to us.
So, everywhere you have ignored your gift, and the gift that you are, will you now please change that? Everywhere you have made you a 'just-person', will you let that go?
And how do I change it?, you might wonder?
1. By writing these easy things down.
2. Then, acknowledge them. Really get it that it is YOUR GIFT.
3. And then, ask ‘How can I use these gifts to my advantage? What income streams can I
create with them?’
And see what shows up. Notice how you might be different. And always ask for more.
You are so much more brilliant than you have ever given yourself credit!
What is it that you can add to your life, that will give you a sense of joy and satisfaction, ease and lightness? What if generating income can be too easy and too joyful?
Can you publish your writings? Can you start a blog?
Can you draw more of your drawings, or paint more and larger paintings?
Can you write down your songs, or record them?
How much fun can you have?
Bettina Madini is an artist, singer, writer and workshop facilitator (and so much more). Find more info at and Bettina's workshops (Online and Live) at .
Friday, July 23, 2021
Creating with Everything
- Trusting you.
- Not giving up.
- Having your own back.
- Go where no one goes.
- Walk your walk.
- Being grateful for everything.
- NOT JUDGING YOU or anything.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
The Unencumbered Joy of ..... YOU
"Emerging World" by Bettina
When the World turns upside down,
yours could go upward forward. It's a choice we all can make.
Sounds strange? I know. It might sound great, and then, how do we get there?
For sure, I'm not claiming to have the answer, beautiful you!
What I can claim, though, is my journey.
One morning, out of the blue, I woke up, and I knew I had no problem any more.
Did challenges go away? No.
Is it constant bliss? No.
Do I keep at it? Yes.
My grandfather said to me "Never give up. Never give in. Never look back. Look forward and up." I was five years old when he left the world. In my tiny backpack, I had his gifts. They were safe there, until I was grown enough to value them. Until I could receive and treasure them.
Our lives are incredible journeys through forests, rivers, across mountains and deserts. We never know what's around the corner, behind the tree or underneath the rock. But we all have our backpacks with gifts and tools. Mostly, we have no clue what these gifts are, as we have not matured yet to being able to receive them. We have them, though. They are with us. And I know what I'm talking about.
Have you been looking for your gifts? Have you been trying to solve this problem in this area of your life that you have defined as your 'problem area'? And you expect that, if you only get that area figured out, everything would be great?
Has this worked?
Have you figured it out?
And, when you found this one thing, whether it's money, a relationship, a job, or no job, well, has it cleared your sky? Is everything great now?
When we desire to create dynamic, true change and leave struggle behind, we might have to wonder off of our beaten trail of comfort. Beyond the walls of our well-defined comfort-zone lies what is required for us to unwrap and unravel so we can create what we desire to create.
It's not one choice.
It's many, very often, micro-choices. The day-to-day.
Not judging ourselves any longer.
Being kind and nurturing to ourselves and our bodies.
That alone is HUGE.
That alone might be SO UNCOMFORTABLE.
Why is that?
Because the judgment space is what we are used to.
When there's nothing any more to judge, then what?
When our mind becomes useless, what's next?
You have tools.
You have gifts.
You might have no idea about the depth and expansiveness of your being.
Is it time to explore?
Friday, January 29, 2021
Fascinated by Color - Bettina Madini: Artist of the Month on InsideWink
Artist Bettina Madini’s beautiful painting “VOLCANO”
I'm very grateful for this beautiful start of the Year 2021: I was interviewed by InsideWink, an inspirational online lifestyle magazine by Alison Martin, editor and co-founder, along with Jean Trebek (wife of Alex Trebek) that focuses on personal stories, interviews, and expert advice - all the while expressing hope and community.
We all can use any and all inspiration possible, as we move through dynamic and profound changes inside and out! Please check out the InsideWink
And here is my interview:
"We meet the most interesting people through this website! We received an email from a reader, Joel Burbach (thank you, Joel), who recommended we consider Bettina Madini as our Artist of the Month.
After looking at her website we said a resounding yes! Her work is ethereal, beautiful and exciting. Bettina has had a very interesting life. Born in Berlin, she says that, “living within the confines of a wall in my home city of Berlin carved in me a drive for freedom and a desire to live life with joy and gusto. I learned to thrive on contrast and marveled at impressionistic and expressionistic art, especially the search for color and light.” She grew up to become a contemporary European artist and fashion designer.
We’ll let her tell you… Here’s Bettina":
“Will I ever be complete? Not as long as there is color.“
What started you on this path?
What started me was this indestructible desire to create. I always had it, already as a child, I loved drawing. I was so timid that I didn’t even want to go into a store and buy a sandwich! It changed when I started getting acting jobs in family tv series in Germany. I felt more comfortable in front of a tv camera than in crowds. At school, I loved art classes! I didn’t fully dive into art right away. I heard so many repetitive messages, from my family and teachers, such as “It’s too risky to be artist! Don’t do it! Better go work at a bank!” I’m not one of those who grew up in an artsy family. There was no mentorship. In a way, I was my own guide. Nothing could turn off that burning flame in me, and the cautionary comments kindled my curiosity.
I had to first make a million choices to then venture onto the artistic path. I guess these years in the corporate world that I chose were strengthening the muscle of artistic creation and grew that flame into a burning fire where nothing could stop me, no matter what showed up, no matter who said what. And I learned to follow my own inner voice. I literally received the gift of knowing that I am and will always be the only one who knows what is the next step, what is light and joyful.
I took the first step in 1992 Luxembourg, when I joined the Conservatory of Music and, shortly after, the Ecole d’Art Contemporain in Luxembourg. Both schools were a space for me to dip my toes into the water and find out about my creative being. I clearly recall the moment when I was accepted at the Conservatory of Music. It was as if a lid was blowing off and I was set free. The first painting I painted after that opening depicted the bursting of my being out of a dark space, into a spectrum of light. It was the only painting where I ever used the color black.
It took me 11 more years to finally ‘jump’. In the midst of a successful career in the Corporate World I chose different. My physical body had given me signs for years, and those had become stronger over time, fed by an urgency to change path and set my inner artist free. In 2003, I left my position, sold all my belongings and came to New York City with a couple of suitcases. I studied with Susan Shatter, Sharon Sprung, Henry Finckelstein and Wolf Kahn at the National Academy of Fine Art and Design in New York City.
Who gave you the most support early on?
It was my grandmother who supported my creativity. My parents bought Disney comics for my sister and I, and my grandmother collected all these drawings that I created from these comics incessantly. My parents sent me to a High School that had a focus on music, and I majored in Fine Art and enjoyed singing in the school choir. It was a really great education, and I’m very grateful.
What does your work aim to say?
My work is about color and joyful expression. It says ‘Enjoy living!’ I change frequently and move from abstract to representational, to nature paintings or visionary art. And I work in different media, such as oil, acrylic, watercolor and silk painting. And then, there is my wearable art that I create under my label “Magical Bodies”. Not one of them is my favorite, and each one contributes to the others. It is an energy that wants to be brought into the world, that inspires me and sparks an outburst of color and motion or a quiet breath of space. My hope is that it inspires someone else and brings more joy to the world.
Which leads me to another aspect of my work, which is directly connected with the Earth. With my flower and tree paintings, I really desire to awaken more awareness for our beautiful planet and caring for the natural resources. Nature is such a healer, and we need to step into stewardship for the land and creatures, to ensure we create a sustainable future. Nothing in nature is dead, and when we pay attention we can receive so much, even from the tiniest flower or the moss by the tree.
What do you consider success?
If my art can be an inspiration for someone else, if my paintings generate joy in someone else life, and nudge them to not give up, to keep walking, to see the beauty everywhere, even if it looks dire, but to keep that inner flame burning and nurture it and not ever look back, that is success for me.
What’s been a real high-point in your career or life?
When I received a scholarship at the National Academy in NYC. It was
actually the first time I had ever won an award on my artistic path. And
this blew such a strong air underneath my wings that I promised the
universe to never give up and have my own back.
More ‘internal’ high-points were these moments when I discovered a new medium that sparked my curiosity.
What was the best piece of advice given to you?
My grandpa said to me “Never look back. Always look ahead.”
What’s your motto or words to live by?
Joy. Happiness. I choose them each day.
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Artist Bettina Madini, wearing one of her beautiful creations in her line of Wearable Art called “Magical Bodies”