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Wednesday, November 3, 2021
What is Beauty?
You Are Color. You Are Song. You Are You.
There are gifts that we all have, gifts that we usually ignore, gifts that no one has ever pointed out to us. And as no one ever mentioned it or supported that in us, we think and conclude that we are not gifted. Yet, we all are powerful creators.
Imagine, in your earliest childhood, you would have been surrounded by people who saw your beauty. People who treated you with great respect, as the infinite being you are, and marveled at what you might be choosing and how they could contribute to you. Who were curious as to what gifts and talents might be showing up in the years to follow. People who paid attention to you.
How would this have been?
I’m not looking at making anybody wrong. Our families were not wrong. They did the best they could, with the tools they had available. Most probably, they were not being paid attention to, marveled at and supported. And, what if we can be that now for ourselves?
Can you change things for you? Paying attention to you, now? Marveling at you, just simply as you are? What if you were present for you? Imagine?
What would be different?
What would be different if we had no past?
"If you have no past, you have no judgments. If you have judgment, you’re living in the past." - Gary Douglas
If you knew you are a color, if you knew it in your heart that you are a song, that you are beauty, that the stars in the sky marvel at you, as does the earth, what would you choose?
What colors would be your colors?
The journey of discovery is magical. Nothing is lost. You are not lost. You might have wandered on a grey road for a moment. And now you are here. You are reading these lines that are flowing to you as energies, like flowers dancing in the breeze.
You have gifts that you have no idea you have.
Is now the time to un-cover, un-ravel, chisel at the marble to find the you that has always been there?
So, what are your gifts and talents? What are you really good at?
Usually, it’s these things that are too easy for us. The things we always ‘just do’, and it’s no big deal. Like small sketches while we’re on the phone. We just draw. Do you think ‘Oh, it’s nothing! I just do them. And then I toss them away.’ Have you ever looked at these drawings? Whatever it is that is so easy for you to do that you disregard them, this is where you do NOT acknowledge you and your gifts.
What is so easy for you to do? And what is fun? Do you just sing, just because? And you make up a million songs and never write them down? Is this ‘just’ what you do on the side?
What if you started paying attention to these? The sketches, poems, songs, writings, graphics, cooking recipes, all these things that you come up with, that you invent?
Write them down, make a list of these ‘too easy’-things.
And then ask “Is there a gift that I have that I have never acknowledged?” (if this question makes you smile, it is a truth for you. It is a gift that not everyone has) We assume, that, because it is so easy for us, everyone can do it. And that is not true.
We assume it’s ‘nothing’ because no one has ever pointed it out to us.
So, everywhere you have ignored your gift, and the gift that you are, will you now please change that? Everywhere you have made you a 'just-person', will you let that go?
And how do I change it?, you might wonder?
1. By writing these easy things down.
2. Then, acknowledge them. Really get it that it is YOUR GIFT.
3. And then, ask ‘How can I use these gifts to my advantage? What income streams can I
create with them?’
And see what shows up. Notice how you might be different. And always ask for more.
You are so much more brilliant than you have ever given yourself credit!
What is it that you can add to your life, that will give you a sense of joy and satisfaction, ease and lightness? What if generating income can be too easy and too joyful?
Can you publish your writings? Can you start a blog?
Can you draw more of your drawings, or paint more and larger paintings?
Can you write down your songs, or record them?
How much fun can you have?
Bettina Madini is an artist, singer, writer and workshop facilitator (and so much more). Find more info at and Bettina's workshops (Online and Live) at .