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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Giving up the Fight


                                                         'Dreamer' Acrylic on canvas. 24x18

Can we receive the oneness reaching for our heart? 

We have been wearing the key on a chain around our necks, avoiding the unlocking, looking for it outside of us, while distracting ourselves with fighting for rightness and digging ourselves deeper into separation, all the while feeding the beast that thrives on fighting and war, walls and separation. '... a vision softly creeping, left it's seeds while I was sleeping....' 

Awakening. Crossroads. Choice. Nature. Wake up Dreamer. 

Will you give up the machine of fight?  

We have been implanted, we have been branded, to judge each other, to label each other as cowards if we don't fight. Are we cowards? What is fight creating? What have all the wars of history been creating? Where have they taken us? What is the current war against mankind, at large, creating? What does fighting mean? We have to take a side, meaning we have to polarize into good and bad, right and wrong. The result? Separation. The machine that is creating the game board thrives on fight, hatred, anger, judgment, grief. We feed it each time we choose fight or judgment. 

How do we get out of this age-old mess?

By looking at this: What would I like the future on the earth to be like? What do I desire?

I had, quite some time ago, the most amazing conversations with a Muslim community, about their hatred of Jews. I simply asked them: Do you love your family? Yes. Do you love your children? Yes. Of course. What would you say if they were taken into camps and killed? Long silence. Quiet. Tears in their eyes. These men opened their hearts, by the fire, under the starry night sky. We kept talking, long into the night, about our commonalities. And our differences vanished. Hate points dissolved. Into the human heart that is so powerful.

We need to wake up to the beauty around us. What do we want the future on the earth to be like? Lushness of creation with the earth? Or desertification of our very being?

Anything we perpetrate on each other vibrates into everything.

We are connected with the most powerful web of love.

Let's abandon the fight. Practice allowance. And create a different future.

Let's create new systems and make the old ones obsolete. We don't need them. We were just told, over and over again, that they are all there is and that we need them. We don't. It's a lie.

Start opening to nature around you. Greet a flower in the morning. Whisper your gratitude to the trees. Trees are not lying. Flowers don't have agendas. Nor does your pet.

Blessing the waters, the flow of oneness through each pore of our being, the art of words and sound, well spoken in quiet melting silence, dancing with river clouds, absolutely and acutely present with the trees standing tall listening and whispering, weaving our knowing into the infinite web of beauty shivering in all spaces between spaces and echoing in each awakening heart. 

Wake up, Beauty. It's time! We require your presence.


P.S. 'Dreamer' is one of my original paintings. She is not sleeping. She is creating future. Deeply connected with earth and roots of trees, she receives the transparent veil brought to her by butterflies, from the skies to her earth body. She knows. She is fully awake in her night sleep. Consciously creating with all beings. She is oneness. And she knows that her asking is coming to fruition. Her vulnerability is her power.

Art prints on paper, canvas, metal or wood available at

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Where does a painting begin? Where does it go?

"Dancing" Acrylic on canvas, 30x30
This past weekend, so many visitors in my art space where curious about that topic. Nothing is more personal and unique to the artist than this journey.

To me, it is a journey. It starts in so many ways...  I always get a sense of 'rummaging', like tectonic plates moving. An undefinable unrest. What is moving? What wants to be created?
It is especially strong in this very moment, after six weeks of art events and only very little time in the studio. The urge to paint is strong. 

Last night, I cut a canvas and nailed it on the board and added a first layer of paint. My tiredness disappeared in the moment I started painting. It's a beginning, it's raw. It still looks like 'nothing', and it felt so good. I relax when I paint. The horse is saddled, now where do we go?🤠

It doesn't matter what shows up, it doesn't matter what the journey is going to be. What matters is the journey. It's my exploration with light and color, tapping into the harmonies and disharmonies, light and dark.

Just think about it: if everything can still change in any given moment, could there be a wrong move? A wrong color? A wrong gesture?

Very often, I say to myself: 'If I could not make any mistake, what could I create here right now?' (and this, of course, is also a metaphor for any area of life)

When I paint, everything is open, everything is space. I smile at my painting and simply breathe. This might sound anything but simple, but, believe me, it actually is. We make it complicated with our judgments. I do whatever I can not to judge the process. Otherwise,I would destroy my creations with the judgement.

I'm happy to share with you an image of that beginning. I'm exploring some new materials that have an effect of 'star-bursts'.

Notice the wrinkles in the canvas. This occurs when I wet the canvas. The beautiful cotton material shrinks and moves with the water. I replace my pins to allow for the canvas to adjust to it's new shape. Paint gathers in the 'waves', which I work with in the building of the piece.


You have to be an explorer, adventurer and gypsy in order to be and live the artistic thrival. 💃 Qualities that I proudly own (and found through my painting process).

Here are some close-ups of the new journey:

A few last thoughts and reminders:
1) Never give up
You never know where you can go unless you go.
2) Follow your joy
3) Never look back
My grandpa gave me that pearl (3) for my journey. 'Her- or his-story' (I love playing with words) is just a story. It's past, it's gone. It's not significant, it just brought us to where we are now. That's all. What counts is the present, where anything is possible.

Much gratitude to you, for being part of my journey!

P.S. Find my paintings and art prints at