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Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Water Song - Interpreted by Bettina Star Rose Madini

I came across 'The Water Song' by the Algonquin and created my interpretation of it. This song is my dedication of sacred music to the Great Lakes and all bodies of water on the Earth. I created the images of Lake Michigan and an entirely spring-fed lake in the Great Lakes region. A spring-fed lake. What does this mean? There is no river flowing into the lake, but water from the ground, at 6 locations in and around the lake is feeding into this body of water. It runs off into the Fox River, one of the few rivers on the earth flowing North.

Water is sacred. Water is knowing. Water is consciousness. We can be without food for some time, but not without water. Water is taken for granted. It is a gift. It is life-giving. 

 As you listen to The Water Song and watch the imagery, allow the sound, words, sparkles, glistening water crystals and vibrations enter your body and purify the waters in your body, as it also purifies the waters of the earth body, as it echoes and resonates into all there is and un-does the abuse and distortions of water element. 

Water has memory, water receives, water conducts. As you watch and listen to the video bless the waters and send it your gratitude. You are powerful. You can change anything. And if we all join hands and beings in this, we change the future for the earth and for all of us. And as you bless the waters they bless you. As you bless the earth, the earth blesses you. As you bless your body your body blesses you. 

Receive the light of the sun amplified by the waters. It is a dance. We purify distortions, disruptions, discordance and de-structuring. 

The conductive quality of water has been abused to transfer discordant energies into the waterlines, rivers, lakes and underground, deep-earth water systems of the planet. We are changing this now. 

Thank you very much for watching. Feel free to share. Our voices need to heard. Words carry energy. Human voice carries frequencies, tones and overtones. 

I have studied voice and native american healing song. I hope the video is a contribution to you. Know that you are not alone. Receive what is there for you to receive. 

Thank you to the Algonquin Nation for bringing forth the song. 

For a complete history and other information regarding The Water Song, visit, and click the video to watch the original as sung by the Algonquin. 

Sing the Water Song with us. 

For more information about my artwork, visit and 

Walk in Beauty.