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Monday, November 16, 2015

When the World Goes Down

I’m wondering this morning ‘Where do I find inspiration today?’

When the world is in despair and shock, how easy is it to go there too? We are all connected, we pick up on thoughts and feelings. So, here I sit, and I sense the heaviness. My body is showing it to me. My chest is tight and tears are coming up. My body is telling me “A lot of people are sad. Their hearts are heavy, and they don’t know where to go or what to do. They feel helpless.” Thank you, body, for letting me know!, I acknowledge, and I go make a coffee. Coffee is always good. I like it with rich almond milk. Hot and cozy.

“So, what has changed?”, I ask the trees. “Nothing, really.” is the reply, and I look at the calm, I look at them standing as tall as before. The serenity of the grass and the clouds. “Hmm”, I wonder, “truly, nothing has changed?” An attack of that viciousness and planned cold-mindedness, an organized crime like the attacks on Paris, and it didn’t change anything? “Well, what choice can you make that would create the change you are looking for?” I hear the trees voices, serenely and strong in their space of no judgment.

And “What are you looking for? What is it you desire to create?"

That’s a great question. It opens up space in me. I wonder 'What do I desire to create?' If I had the world my way, what would that look and be like?

A world of kindness and joy. A world where there is no space for attacks and killing and brutal murder. A world of allowance of each others choices and respect, where there is only question and greater possibility for all. Like 'What greater can we create here on the earth, with the earth?'

When the world is going into sadness and trauma I know that it is not a choice for me to go with everyone else and 'follow'. Does 'showing support' really mean that we have to suffer with everyone else and also be heavy and 'disillusioned'?

Someone has to drive the bus, otherwise who will drive it? The attackers? The vicious gun men? The trees stand so still today, not even one leaf is moving. Trauma and drama never has created any change. If I chose trauma, resistance and suffering with everyone else, what would that create? And where would I be? My body gives me information about that creation. The hopelessness. Fear. Fight. Anger. The heaviness. Death. Yes, it is killing our bodies, it is killing the earth. It is killing future. And the trees stand still.

If we don’t make a different choice, truly nothing has changed. The world will go on and just add another item to the list of attacks.

Really? Is this all? Another memorial to remember the tragedy? Another wall? More candles to remember the dead? And forever these bad memories will be locked into our brains?


What else can we choose? As for me, I’m not willing to choose that as if this was my only choice. Of course, everyone chooses what works for them. I do know one thing: the greatest change has always been created by those who had a different vision. Otherwise, the wall in Berlin would still be standing. It is even more than thinking outside of the box. It is about asking a question.

I choose not to go down into the dark rabbit hole. This does not mean I make things be ok. It is not ok to attack. Terror is not ok. And, what if this is not about positive or negative? It is actually all this polarity that gets us into trouble. Somebody fighting for the righteousness of their beliefs, bloated with entitlement. Does that give them the right to attack? Does that suffice to start a war? Does that give anyone the right to pollute the water, the air and the soil?

This has to change. And we have to be that change. Not by resisting and fighting, and not by agreeing with any point of view. We need to create a different future.

Creation starts with the demand of 'This has to change' and a question. The question is for me 'What can I choose today that will create a different future? What change can I be and inspire that will create more consciousness on the planet?'

Checking out is not an option for me. I do not choose fear. I do not choose to go down with grief, trauma and drama. If others choose that it’s their choice. I’m going to continue to drive the bus, the bus of my life that is intricately connected with all the other buses. And if many are parked in chaos and disorder or driving randomly with no one behind the stirring wheel, I stay present and I keep asking questions.

What is this?
Can I do something about this?
Can I change this?
If yes, what can I be or do different today that would create the change I would like to see in the world?

And the trees whisper at me ‘It is not the events that change things. It is choice that creates change. The event can be meaningful or meaningless, depending on the point of view. The question is 'What choice are you making, today?”

In their clear and simple wisdom they make me smile. There is relief in that clarity, on a day where large amounts of people choose depression.

Can we truly control the outcome? Can we control what people choose? No. As long as people choose fight and war, agony and righteousness, there is nothing we can control. They will still choose it. Resistance creates more of it. Protest fuels all the energy into what we’re protesting.

For me, the question is ‘What else is possible from here? What can I choose today that will create a different future?’

#benevolentleadership #notonmycalendar #whatelseispossible #thishastochange #accessconsciousness #beyondjudgment #coachingbeyondthebox

Monday, September 28, 2015

True Wealth of Being - Open the Gates

There’s so much to be said about wealth. Some people make it all about money and worldly goods, others make it about the opposite, happiness without money.
What if it has nothing to do with money, and what if it doesn’t exclude money either?

The other day, I heard Shannon O’Hara ( talk about “Wealth of Being”, and that created such a space of joy and ease in my life. What if we had the ‘Wealth of Being’? That includes so much more than money, while also including money. What if we didn’t exclude anything? Not even money? And what if we didn’t exclude doing from being?

There is a lot of confusion about what being actually is. Usually, ‘being’ is placed at the opposite of doing. Could it be that being is so much more than that? What would ‘wealth of being’ be?

Everywhere around us, people perpetrate that ‘idea’ of paradise as the ‘not-doing’, in movies, advertising, in magazines. It’s everywhere. How much of that is a fantasy and not even real? Is it real for you?

I’m not looking at defining here what ‘wealth of being’ is. In fact, it really is undefinable, and it will be different for every one of us. I’d like to give you some tools*, though, that you could use to open the doors for leaving the scarcity of being behind and create more awareness of wealth of being and what that could be for you.

Tool 1: What is valuable and true for you?

Start looking at your points of view, with openness and honesty, instead of living from lies or fantasies. A lie could be that the “eternal not-doing” is valuable to you. What does it create when we live by a lie? When we strive for something that is a lie for us, we will never really get there. We will create a lot of conflicting ideas. And, can it create happiness for us if we reach something that is not truly valuable for us? No. So, we will always make ourselves wrong for not having done it ‘right’.

Instead of creating conflict and confusion, we could start looking at our points of view.  Our point of view is creating our reality. What is wealth for you? Do you see you as wealthy? And, is this your point of view? Or did you take it from everyone around you? What if doing can be enjoyable?

And what if doing is part of being? Doing from choice, creation and enjoyment, not from force, to-do-lists and obligations. How much fun can we have with creating our life and living that inspires us, and the world?

True Wealth of Being starts with honesty with self. What is valuable to you?
Make a list and write it down.

Tool 2: Be grateful for everything

True Wealth of Being includes gratitude, which is being grateful for everything, just as it is. No matter what there is in your life, would you be willing to see that you created it with some choices that you made?  Once we acknowledge that we created everything in our life, we can also change it.

As we are grateful for everything in our life, we automatically do not make it wrong. Gratitude and judgment cannot exist together. Gratitude is a space, and we can make it a practice to be grateful for our life, for our body, for our kids, for our family, job and money. 

We will not make anything wrong, and we will not make ourselves wrong. When you can leave the wrongness behind , you can create something different.

Each morning, when you wake up, take 5 minutes for gratitude.

Tool 3: Learn to receive

This might be the most challenging part for most of us. What is receiving? The mail? Money? Bills?

Here’s a story of a friend of mine. She thought she had a problem with money and did whatever she could to change it. She then received a larger amount of money, larger than what she had ever received before. It went beyond what she could truly ‘receive’. She had thought that she had ‘overcome’ her issues with money, yet, when the check came in, she started to panic. All kinds of points of view came up for her, one being that others could steal it from her. She had the basic point of view that people would take her money away from her, so she had to always make sure never to have ‘too much money’.

We were talking about it and clarifying her points of view around money and wealth. It was a real surprise to her when she became aware of them. They were literally hidden from her. We all do that. We all have hidden points of view that are running our lives. They actually prevent us from creating what we desire to create.

Once we are aware of our points of view, we can change them.

True receiving starts with putting down all your barriers and walls. Would an infinite being require walls and barriers? No. How much receiving do we prevent by having up barriers? What if instead we received everything?

Receiving does not mean taking it. It means we are aware and then, we choose.

Ask each morning “What can I receive today?*

Tool 4: What would you like your life to be like?

Here’s a great tool to use: “What would you like the energy of your life to be like?””

We talked about what’s valuable to you. If you created your life, the way you would like it to be, what would the energy of it be? Would there be joy, ease, healthy body, financial wealth? What if you started asking this question from the space of possibility, not the space of judgment? So, for now, just observe if you have any resistance coming up, or any reasons and justifications of why this would not work.

And, are these reasons even true?

Ask in the morning or on your way to work “What can I choose today that would create my life?*”

Tool 5: Function from a space of possibility

Have you been functioning from possibility or impossibility? From having it all, or from lack?

Start each morning with 5 minutes of gratitude for your life, gratitude for your body, for your family and your home, your job and your money, no matter how much there is. Whatever there is in your life, look at it from gratitude.

And then, ask “What else is possible?®” and “If I would create my life today what would I choose?*”

Living is a space of constant action, constant choice. What if anything was possible?

Ask the universe “Universe, show me, what is wealth of possibility for me?” and allow it to show up in your life. We don’t usually learn to function from possibility, and it is, for most of us, a rather limited space of what we have seen and learned from around us. Yet, is this all there is? What do you know is possible?

What if you are the well of your wealth of being? What if you are the source? If you care for you, for your body, for your living, what caring can you be for everyone else in your life? If you chose happiness, would that choice create a sense of wealth for you?

What choice could you make that would create the life you would be excited and joyful to live?

Ask each day “What is truly possible that I have never considered?*

*All the tools in this article are derived from Access Consciousness®. Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas. You can read more about Access Consciousness® at


Bettina Madini is an artist, singer and an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Born in Berlin, Germany, she is currently living in the Midwest in the United States. Bettinas paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and in the United States. She offers Painting workshops, coaches Creatives and facilitates Access Consciousness® Core Classes, internationally. To find Bettinas classes and see her art work please visit: and

Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas, one of the most brilliant people on the planet, and is created by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer. All the tools in this article are derived from Access Consciousness®. Read more about Access Consciousness® at Find out about the Bars® at www.bars.accessconsciousness.comAccess Consciousness has more than 50 body processes that can address anything that we have created with our bodies. Please find out more at  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Never an answer, Always a Question - A Different Possibility

What could a class about consciousness contribute to you? You might wonder "Another class? Another practice? What else?" Have you attended so many workshops, classes, learned so many techniques, been to each class underneath the sun? 

That's what I thought 3 years ago. By the time I came across Access Consciousness®, I had learned and practiced Reiki, Kathara healing, crystal and sound healing, had meditated for many years, daily, had seen healers, visionaries, had changed my life drastically, always on the quest of the space that I knew was possible. So, I get that. The thing is, if you're still searching, could it be possible that you know, somewhere in you, that YOU can be more, create GREATER? If there is some yearning in you, a deep desire for more, I ask you 'What do you know is possible that you have never acknowledged?' 

What do you know? And this question is not about having an answer. You might notice that there are no words. What if the 'answer', your knowing, is rather energetic? If you know something that is possible that has never been created on the earth, you would not have an answer. Answers come from the mind. Knowing does NOT come from the mind, it comes from being. Have you ever noticed, answers always come from the past, from past experience. 

If you know something that would actually 'outcreate' this reality, it would be non-conceptual. It would be an energy or a space. And there would be a sense of lightness to it. If we desire to come out of the box we have to go beyond the past. And we cannot think it up. Think-tank has not really been working, or we would have something different on the planet already. So, what if we let go of the past? What if we went beyond answers? And allowed to universe to bring us new possibilities, from the space of awareness? Did you ever have a 'knowing', when you had an idea that was so unusual, so new, so different? And it didn't come from long thinking and analyzing, but it just showed up like a feather, with ease and lightness? That is knowing.

Access Consciousness® has amazing tools that are presented in the form of questions. A question will always empower. An answer disempowers. The tools that you learn in these classes will allow you to release the past, let go of limitations, leave the box behind, and enter the territory of your knowing. You might wonder now what this is. Yes, what do you know? Has anybody ever asked you that? What do YOU know? 

It is NOT about having the right answer or a smart answer. Access Consciousness® is about creating more consciousness on the planet. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. What if you never judged you again, EVER? The tools of Access are pragmatic, and you can use them for every area of life, whether it's kids, family, business, job, career, health and fitness, creativity, money and finance etc. 

The first Bars session that I took 3 years ago created a sense of space in my universe that sparked my curiosity, and I had one thought only "Wow! I want to find out more about that!" I have been surfing on a surge of creation and possibility ever since. Yes, there are moments that are uncomfortable. The difference is that now, I have tools that I can use. All it takes for me to change the energetics of a situation is asking a question.

We are always aware. You are aware! We just don't learn to acknowledge that in this reality,. We learn in this reality that whatever we think or feel is 'ours'. What if it isn't? Once we acknowledge that we are aware of everyone's thoughts, feelings and emotions, just that, the very question of "Is this mine? or someone else's?", just that question, CAN change everything in the moment of asking. How cool is that? The thing is, you ARE aware anyway! You just think it's all yours, and you make it yours, and you make it solid, and you create the very thing that was not yours, as your life, as your body.

What if you could be aware and ask a question, have the lightness of being, and create whatever it is that you would like to create? Would you rather have ease and lightness and joy, or sadness and depression, anger and fighting? What if you could have ease and joy, what if you could shift and change the energy of each moment and create YOUR life? Whatever that is?

Does that make you curious? Would you like to find out more about Access Consciousness®? The first class in Access is 'The Bars®', a very cool energy work, that allows you to let go of judgments and limitations. This is what I chose 3 years ago. I went for a Bars session to see what that could create for me. And I make sure now, and my body demands it, to get a session at least once a week. That's my choice. 

There are more than 2000 Bars Facilitators worldwide, in 173 countries, and you can find a facilitator in your area, via

If you're curious about a "Five Days of Change Class", which starts with a Bars class and is followed by Foundation and Level 1 where we dive deeper and create more change in your universe, and you would like to come to the Midwest, please find my Bars, Foundation and Level 1 classes in Wisconsin, starting October 29, here.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Create Your Life - Be You

If you were being you, what would you choose?

Does this question bring up stuff for you? Resistance? Like, "What is she even talking about? I am me! Who else would I be?"

Yes! Cool questions! Who else could you be?

I just went to a family gathering this past weekend, and I could see some people there, family members, move and speak like .... my grandfather and my grandmother. It was interesting to watch, and I wondered how much we all entrain to our family's 'ways of being' and (mostly) doing. We mimick their bodies and their points of view. Even if we don't want to be like them, and we totally seek to create us as 'not them', we create an 'interesting' dynamic: we first have to create ourselves like them so we can then prove we're not them. What? Sounds crazy, right? Yet,... this is what we learn in this reality.

What else is possible? What if so much more was possible? What would it take to get out of mimicking other people's realities into creating our realities? First step is: awareness. Once we're aware that we are choosing it, we can also choose something different.

What if everything was a choice?

There also is some amazing energy work, called 'Access Consciousness® body processes' that can change these things that we have literally 'locked into' our bodies. If we didn't mimick the ways bodies are 'supposed to be', according to common beliefs, could we create something different?

We can address these patterns in a personal session where a facilitator will 'run' the energy on your body. And, also, if you are interested in becoming a practitioner for the process, you can attend an Access Consciousness Body process class. Classes are being offered all over the country. Find more information about classes here.
If you are in the Midwest and would like to attend a class, specifically about 'mimickry', please see my upcoming class on September 19th here.

So, what if the time is NOW? What if change IS possible? Would you choose it? What ease and joy can you have with everything in life?

What if Discovering YOU is this amazing adventure, a journey filled with surprises, exploration, curiosity, and ....  joy?

How did we all get so lucky to be on the planet now?


Bettina Madini is an artist, singer and an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Born in Berlin, Germany, she is currently living in the Midwest in the United States. Bettina’s paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and in the United States. She offers Painting workshops, coaches Creatives and facilitates Access Consciousness® Core Classes, internationally. To find Bettina’s classes and see her art work please visit: and

Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas, one of the most brilliant people on the planet, and is created by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer. All the tools in this article are derived from Access Consciousness®. Read more about Access Consciousness® at Find out about the Bars® at Access Consciousness has more than 50 body processes that can address anything that we have created with our bodies. Please find out more at

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Living Your Dream - A Cup of Mocha and a Piece of Chocolate

What if we can live our dreams?
And, when did we stop following them?

As children, we have dreams, and we really believe in them. We know we can have everything, usually until someone tells us we cannot and that that was impossible. Things like "You have to grow up!" or "You have to be serious!"

Did any of you hear that when you grew up?

Were you so totally different from everyone around you, and then, you thought you were 'weird' and strange and don't fit in? How many of you have then started to copy others and, in doing so, cut off your dreams? Cut off the magic you knew was possible? Did you then also buy into the common belief of "Oh, well, later, I can always do it later!", like "When the kids are grown up!" or "When they are out of the worst, then I can do the fun stuff." or "When I'm retired, then!"

And, what does that create? What if this is not true? How much have you been resenting others, then? And, who are you truly resenting? What if this has nothing to do with your kids, with the job, with all the tasks and chores and obligations? Usually, when we make things, such as the tasks, the chores, the obligations, the taking-care-of-others, a necessity rather than a choice, we have to resent it. And are all the 'have to's' a lie that we made real and true? And then we pushed our dreams and everything that made us joyful and light, to the back burner.

What if that was a choice? And, what if we can change that? What if we can create things in our lives that give us that space of joy? They don't have to be extreme changes.

What if living your dream does not mean you have to go from CEO to dishwasher? What if living your dream is more like living your life the way that works for you? What if that would include making time for you, nourishing you and your body?

Did you expect that from others, and they never deliver? Guess what, if you don't have that kindness and caring for you, no one else will have that for you, and you will not receive it from anyone else. It really starts with you.

What is 'Living Your Dream' for you?
What energy would that be?
What is your 'true North'?

First of all, I would like to say now, do not make yourself wrong for any of your choices. This is really important, and I would like you to get that. You-Are-Not-Wrong, nor-have-you-EVER-done-anything-wrong! Ok? What if you never did anything wrong? What if it was a choice that you made. It is easy to get 'lost' in this reality that tells us that doing is valuable, usually doing for others. What if that was a choice?

Now, what else can you choose?

What if each and every choice, even the choice to forget about your living dream, was one choice? And what if that choice, like all the other choices that you made, brought you here now?

Would you now be willing to choose something different? And what could that be?

So, if you'd like to get a notebook now, and you start writing down, spontaneously, what is your dream? If you could have your living dream, what would that be? What would the energy be?
Ask the universe, each morning, when you get up "What is my dream?" and allow the awareness to come to you. 5 minutes in the morning for you. Yes? When you read something, you see a picture or a color that has that energy, write it down, cut out that picture (if possible) and start collecting your 'My Living Dream - Notebook'.  Write down what inspires you, what gives you joy, what makes you laugh, what brings that sense of ease and space, even if it is a cup of delicious mocha and a piece of chocolate.

And keep walking. Never give up and never quit. Keep walking.

You will get there! You made it here already, and you are reading this!

So, Hello!, you are not lost and, truly, you have never been. You chose to walk a walk, and you chose, by walking it, to set you free and thus, be the energetic pathway for others to be inspired by you.

What counts is, you are here! 

What if you started living your dream and contributing energy to it, now?



 "Living Your Dream", a three-part Telecall Series with Bettina Madini
starting September 7.

More information and registration here
Bettina Madini is an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, artist and singer. Born in Berlin, Germany, she is currently living in the Midwest in the United States. Bettina’s paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and in the United States. She offers Painting workshops, coaches Creatives and facilitates Access Consciousness® Core Classes, internationally. 

To find Bettina’s classes and see her art work please visit: and

All the tools in this article are derived from Access Consciousness®. Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas. You can read more about Access Consciousness® at

Bettina Madini is an artist, singer and an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Born in Berlin, Germany, she is currently living in the Midwest in the United States. Bettina’s paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and in the United States. She offers Painting workshops, coaches Creatives and facilitates Access Consciousness® Core Classes, internationally. 

To find Bettina’s classes and see her art work please visit:

All the tools in this article are derived from Access Consciousness®. Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas. You can read more about Access Consciousness® at

Sunday, August 16, 2015

What Is Receiving?

What IS receiving? Do we even know? Usually, in this reality, it is 'taking'. Someone gives us something and we take it, mostly, not to disappoint them. Is this receiving? Do we ever even receive the gifts that someone truly gifts? When we take, what does this create? What energy is this?

When we truly receive the gift, that receiving as the 'true receiving' is a gift to the gifter! and to us! It's a two-way-street! Have you ever given a gift and the moment they opened it and 'got it' was really weird and awkward? I wonder, did they really receive the gift you gave? And, what did that not-receiving create in your universe?

On the other hand, have you ever given a gift that was really received? If yes, (lucky you!), what did that create in your universe? More space? More Joy? Expansion?

True receiving is amazing!

And it's not taught in this reality. It's all about giving and taking. We also learn to take from the earth. Have you noticed, when you go into a forest, that there is a different energy? We always refer to nature as the healer. We find peace and ease and joy in nature. Yes? What is that? What if we are being received by the trees, by the flowers, by the creek, by the rocks? totally received? Which means without judgment. We can 'be'. There are no expectations, no projections, there is also no separation. The trees don't separate from us, the don't try to figure out what we're doing there, they don't judge our body! They totally receive us. And, what does that create for us? Is there more space, do we forget about stress and anxiety? Where did all the thoughts go that seemed to have haunted us up until we entered the forest? They seem to go away. Yes? Our bodies relax and enjoy the space that there is. What receiving, as a space and an energy, is possible for us, all the time? What if we CAN receive us, the being, like the trees and the flowers do?

With no judgment? And where do we even start?

A way to start receiving and entering that amazing space of receiving, true receiving, could be by practicing gratitude. Would you be willing to be grateful for you and for your body? 5 minutes each morning? Grateful for the sun, the rain, the rocks, the flowers, fruit, the trees, for this entire beautiful planet earth? Grateful for you, that you, with everything going on in your life, are STILL HERE! Would you be willing to look at you from the 'eyes' of a tree?

True receiving will be different for each one of us. It's a space.

Once you start receiving you, the being, from the space of gratitude, you will create a different possibility. You will be the gift to you and to the world. You will be the gift to the trees when you truly receive their receiving of you.

If you have a favorite tree, what if you went there, sat by it for a while and asked it "Please, would you please show me what receiving is?" and just be there with the tree. It might take a little practice, and I know you can do it.

What receiving is possible now that we have never even considered?

Monday, July 20, 2015

Invitation ….. to the Space of You

"Joy of the Phoenix" by Bettina Madini

I’d like to invite you today…. to a space …. Let’s call it space of creation.
It is the space I live with and in, a space so familiar to me and so different for others.

It is the space I create everything in and from. The more awareness I have on my journey, the more I realize that I cannot give you THAT. You are your space of creation. You need to choose it. What I can gift to you is questions that will allow you to let go of limitations, so you can get out of the box and be the artist that you are.

I have been facilitating painting classes, and people approach me with the question “How do you do that?, How do you paint?” and they come to the conclusion that they could never do it….

See, in this reality, we learn that learning is copying, or let’s say ‘doing it like ‘the teacher’’, ‘following the instructions’, the ‘How to’. The thing is, I’m not interested in showing you the ‘how to’. This is not, by the way, how I entered the journey of painting. Luckily, my first ‘teacher’ was more of a guide who stayed next to me or behind me, and together we went on a journey. If you are looking for someone who will tell you exactly how to paint, well, I might not be the person for you. There are many, though, that will provide that. I invite you to a different possibility.

I remember this funny story. The company who is hosting my website once did a survey to find out what artists deem important for their business. One of the questions was “Do you think that further education and art classes will increase your competence and your success as an artist?” It was multiple choice, and I checked ‘No’. I got an email back with an interesting energy and further questions, such as ‘You are the only one saying no to that question. Would you like to further explain why you think art classes are not vital?’ Wow, this was interesting to me. This is truly this reality’s point of view. In order to be accepted and acknowledged as an artist, you need credentials. In my world, I am my credentials. I was surprised that I seemed to be ‘the only one’.

To me, the artist is in you already. This is my point of departure. I am more interested in you acknowledging your capacities and talents and finding where you are limiting you. I would be delighted in assisting you in the clearing. THIS is exciting to me! I know that you know. No one knows more about you than you. You are unique, and you have gifts and talents that you have not even touched yet, not even considered possible. And, I go a bit further: What if you have gifts that not one person on the planet is currently even talking about, or teaching? What do you know that nobody else does?

What interests me is what makes you tick when you see a color? When you hear a sound, see a painting, see the sunset or the ocean? When the wind caresses your skin? When you look at the tree in your yard and you have this urge to go out and sit by it? What is that? What is that that is touching you, that you cannot define, as it is space? That energy that you are aware of BEFORE you start thinking and reasoning and justifying why you cannot you out to the tree?

What if nothing could stop you EVER any more to follow that which is so light, so kind, so beautiful that one thought can crush it? Would you be willing to explore this? Make space for that in your life? And what if you painting that?

Not one person could teach me how to paint, and I don’t have a cognitive answer for you. I don’t approach creating from linear, sort of A to B to C, to ‘finish!’. I’m more interested in you CHOOSING the color, shape, line that create something. Each choice creates. And then, you can choose again, you can change it.

When you find for yourself what you CAN create, there is such joy and power, that you would not have if I told you. Do you get that? I cannot and WILL NOT take that from you.

These were the greatest gifts that I received from amazing people in my life. They walked with me, never in front of me. They asked me questions. They never gave me an answer.

The ‘How To’ is always an answer. It implies that you don’t know so you have to be told ‘how to do it’.

My question to you is “What would you like to paint?” and “What question can you ask to make painting and playing with color ease and joyful for you?” and “What could you paint that you have never considered possible?”

Bettina Madini is an internationally renowned artist, a singer and Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Her paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in the United States, Europe and Australia. She facilitates Creativity classes and Access Consciousness® Core classes. Find her class schedule here:
More information about Bettina’s painting intensive here: