What could a
class about consciousness contribute to you? You might wonder "Another class? Another
practice? What else?" Have you attended so many workshops, classes,
learned so many techniques, been to each class underneath the sun?
That's what
I thought 3 years ago. By the time I came across Access Consciousness®, I had
learned and practiced Reiki, Kathara healing, crystal and sound healing, had
meditated for many years, daily, had seen healers, visionaries, had changed my
life drastically, always on the quest of the space that I knew was possible.
So, I get that. The thing is, if you're still searching, could it be possible
that you know, somewhere in you, that YOU can be more, create GREATER? If there
is some yearning in you, a deep desire for more, I ask you 'What do you know is
possible that you have never acknowledged?'
What do you
know? And this question is not about having an answer. You might notice that
there are no words. What if the 'answer', your knowing, is rather energetic? If
you know something that is possible that has never been created on the earth,
you would not have an answer. Answers come from the mind. Knowing does NOT come
from the mind, it comes from being. Have you ever noticed, answers always come
from the past, from past experience.
If you know
something that would actually 'outcreate' this reality, it would be
non-conceptual. It would be an energy or a space. And there would be a sense of
lightness to it. If we desire to come out of the box we have to go beyond the
past. And we cannot think it up. Think-tank has not really been working, or we
would have something different on the planet already. So, what if we let go of
the past? What if we went beyond answers? And allowed to universe to bring us
new possibilities, from the space of awareness? Did you ever have a 'knowing',
when you had an idea that was so unusual, so new, so different? And it didn't
come from long thinking and analyzing, but it just showed up like a feather,
with ease and lightness? That is knowing.
Consciousness® has amazing tools that are presented in the form of questions. A
question will always empower. An answer disempowers. The tools that you learn
in these classes will allow you to release the past, let go of limitations,
leave the box behind, and enter the territory of your knowing. You might wonder
now what this is. Yes, what do you know? Has anybody ever asked you that? What
do YOU know?
It is NOT
about having the right answer or a smart answer. Access Consciousness® is about
creating more consciousness on the planet. Consciousness includes everything
and judges nothing. What if you never judged you again, EVER? The tools of
Access are pragmatic, and you can use them for every area of life, whether it's
kids, family, business, job, career, health and fitness, creativity, money and
finance etc.
The first
Bars session that I took 3 years ago created a sense of space in my universe
that sparked my curiosity, and I had one thought only "Wow! I want to find
out more about that!" I have been surfing on a surge of
creation and possibility ever since. Yes, there are moments that are
uncomfortable. The difference is that now, I have tools that I can use. All it takes for me to
change the energetics of a situation is asking a question.
We are
always aware. You are aware! We just don't learn to
acknowledge that in this reality,. We learn in this reality that whatever we think or feel is
'ours'. What if it isn't? Once we acknowledge that we are aware of everyone's thoughts,
feelings and emotions, just that, the very question of "Is this mine? or
someone else's?", just that question, CAN change everything in the moment
of asking. How cool is that? The thing is, you ARE aware anyway! You just think
it's all yours, and you make it yours, and you make it solid, and you create
the very thing that was not yours, as your life, as your body.
What if you
could be aware and ask a question, have the lightness of being, and create
whatever it is that you would like to create? Would you rather have ease and
lightness and joy, or sadness and depression, anger and fighting? What if you
could have ease and joy, what if you could shift and change the energy of each
moment and create YOUR life? Whatever that is?
Does that
make you curious? Would you like to find out more about Access Consciousness®?
The first class in Access is 'The Bars®', a very cool energy work, that allows
you to let go of judgments and limitations. This is what I chose 3 years ago. I
went for a Bars session to see what that could create for me. And I make sure
now, and my body demands it, to get a session at least once a week. That's my
There are
more than 2000 Bars Facilitators worldwide, in 173 countries, and you can find
a facilitator in your area, via www.bars.accessconsciousness.com.
If you're
curious about a "Five Days of Change Class", which starts with a Bars
class and is followed by Foundation and Level 1 where we dive deeper and create
more change in your universe, and you would like to come to the Midwest, please
find my Bars, Foundation and Level 1 classes in Wisconsin, starting October 29, here.
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