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Sunday, October 14, 2018

A different way to look at fears....

Do one thing every day that scares you. - Eleanor Roosevelt

I love this quote.... What are the things that scare you? I have, many times, chosen these things that scared the sh.. out of me.... And they all were like deaths. So, I have died many deaths. Most recent: today. I chose today something that I thought I couldn't do, scared shitlessly.... And, I did it. What do all of these choices have in common? They opened doors.... to more... of me. They all have created greater than I could imagine. 🌎So much more Joy in my life and in what I know now I can create. And with each of them, my curiosity grows. The curiosity-space of 'What else can I create? I wonder?' 

Funny thing is, each of these 'deaths' only killed the limitations I had made more real than the infinite possibilities.🌎

So, for you my friends: What are you so scared of that you think you cannot do it? And, what if you can do it? What if there are so-called demons that whisper lies into your ears? What if that which you are so scared of, what if that fear is covering and concealing your greatness? I'm grateful for Madame Roosevelt, as I made her words into one of my stars in the night-sky. I choose to shine my flashlight into these 'fears' that are really not real. Each one of my shitless-fear-moments has catapulted me out of my own way, into so much more....💚

And today's choice? Wow! I just got home, and my reality has exploded yet again.... into way more.... and my heart is singing..... It might be, my friends, that your intense fear really and truly is intense excitement.... too intense for 'flatliners'. 😊What if it's not too intense for you?

What can you handle with joy and ease that somebody told you is too much?

Tune into the Joy-Channel and dance with the unknown. You will not know what you can create unless you go for it! It's a journey, very much like an adventure.

I never know where it goes, exactly. But I know it goes somewhere far greater than I can imagine. How do I know that? I trust me. And I trust the universe and that amazing source and force of creation that weaves it's song through everything..... And I know it has my back, as I have my back.

🌳🌳 #CreatingJoy #ArtofLiving

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