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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Conversations with Tall Tree Walking: The Light You Be.

'How can I open up to the light that is everywhere around me?', she looked up 
at the giant tree with the sense of knowing that her friend would never turn away 
from her questions. 
"I know it is here, yet it seems as if there are walls around me!", 
she was not going to cry but instead melt her resistance and allow her receiving 
to expand what she had once called her broken heart. 

She softened. 
And she relaxed. 
Moving deeper into her softening, 
a swell of intense sweetness 
emerged from her 

Her tree friend barely touched her head with his gnarly fingers. 
Oceans of joy and exquisite peace surrounded them both 
like a deep old forest. 

"You have always been that light you seek!" His voice resonated through space.
"You have always been the stars. 
You have always walked as the infinite you you be. Light that chose to breathe with the earth. Thoughts created separation. 
Your mind-head became the filter for your choices. It is such a tiny box. 
Once you live in your heart, once YOU reclaim your body over your head and leave the addiction to thought behind, you WILL have and be more and greater, 
and you WILL walk the becoming that is yours to choose." 

- Tall Trees Walking 🌳🦋

What Giants are among us?
What can we receive from the Beings that are walking the earth, that no one is talking about?
What has been whispering in your awareness that has no name, no definition, no words?
Can we receive from them?
What questions can we start asking, questions that will open the doors and gates and portals, questions that will allow you to step through?

Join us on January 13, 2019
3pm Central (4pm Eastern)
Find your local time HERE
We will venture on a journey with the Golden Tall Ones, Tall Trees Walking.
They are here.
Registration: HERE
Contribution: 60$
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation with the payment link.
Do you require translation? We have German translation set up. Let us know if you require a different language, and we will make this available.
To register, and for questions, contact


'Wie kann ich mich dem Licht eroeffnen, das ueberall um mich herum ist?, sie blickte auf zu dem Baum-Riesen mit dem Wissen, dass ihr Freund sich niemals von ihren Fragen abwenden wuerde. 'Ich weiss, es ist da, aber es scheint als wuerden Waende es von mir abwehren!' Sie war entschlossen, nicht zu weinen sondern ihre Widerstaende zu schmelzen und dem Empfangen zu erlauben, ihr Herz, das sie einst gebrochen nannte, auszudehnen.

Sie erweichte.
Und entspannte.
Mit dem Vertiefen ihres Erweichens erhob sich eine Welle intensivster Suesse,
geboren in ihrem Herzen.

Kaum beruehrte Ihr Freund ihren Kopf mit seinen knorrigen Fingern.
Und gemeinsam wurden sie eingehuellt in einen Ozean tiefer Freude und Friedens,
gleichend den tiefen alten Waeldern.

'Du warst immerzu das Licht, nach dem Du suchst.' Seine tiefe Stimme bezauberte Raum.
'Du warst immerzu die Sterne, das unbegrenzte Wesen das du bist. Licht, das waehlte, mit der Erde zu atmen.
Gedanken schafften Trennung.
Dein Verstand-Kopf bekam der Filter fuer Deine Wahlen. Es ist eine derart winzige Box...
Wenn Du beginnst, in Deinem Herzen zu leben, wenn Du Deinen Koerper ueber Deinen Kopf waehlst und die Abhaengigheit zu Gedanken hinter Dir laesst, wirst Du beginnen immer mehr und grossartiger zu sein,
und Du WIRST zu dem Bekommen, das nur Du waehlen kannst."
- Tall Trees Walking 🌳🦋

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