"Wonder of the Pink Poppy", by Bettina, 2014 |
Here are 2 more paintings that I just finished. More of the 'Ruffled
Princess"..... I had not painted a 'series' before... I wonder,
what else is possible with the 'Ruffled Princess' that I couldn't imagine
"Ruffled Princess Tale", by Bettina, 2014 |
"Ruffled Princess At My Garden Gate", by Bettina, 2014 |
The first one was "Ruffled Princess at my Garden Gate". I'll post it here again, so the series is all together!
The 30-Day-Challenge is over, and my creation space is so wide open, so much more expanded! It's as if molecules are swirling into new possibilities that are not solid. What if this IS just the beginning of so much more? What if THIS IS the beginning of the future that is not yet? Where one feather touch leads to the next, to the next, to the next?
I wish to inspire the world to a new possibility, a possibility of communion and respect, vulnerability and allowance, choices that come from the 'kingdom of we ' that include everything, that come from question rather than answer, that invites possibilities we all couldn't imagine, a beautiful vision of a world of miracle and wonder, with the planet, a sustainable planet. Where we ask for each and every choice that we make what this choice will create, for our lives, for the generations to come, for the planet, for consciousness, for every single tiny particle of magnitude?
What would it take for us to be that? I wondered and stared a bit helplessly into the eyes of my new friend in her white, purple and blue dress. She beamed back at me, with a kindness and nonchalance that I don't quite remember having experienced before. This time, she didn't give me her hand, but she whistled a beautiful sound that made my heart leap. Within seconds, we were surrounded by butterflies! They swirled around us with gentleness and magical power. The world around me turned faster and faster, my vision expanded, and I could see everything at once, past, present, future, spherical vision and vision beyond vision. I thought I would faint, and a deep-indigo butterfly of the most precious spectrum of light and color particles landed on my heart and sat there for a second's eternity, and I started laughing and laughing. My world turned indigo, and I saw the universe, I saw galaxies, I saw stars and planets, and I saw .... light .... The Ruffled Princess and our butterfly escort had taken me into the center of our bubble, and we traveled at the speed of space. I was floating and experiencing, and breathing songs of light and color. Oh, such ease! Such joy! My body transformed and each particle rearranged into a different composition, and we approached the 'Butterfly Planet'. She was beautiful! She was floating space, dancing wings and shimmers composing a swirling symphony of wings and sound. She welcomed me with such kindness! A smile that I will never forget! I took it into my heart, a dance of beauty and power that expanded my awareness in continuity!
How much time I spent there, I don't remember. There was no 'time'. It just didn't exist in that space. Nothing was solid, everything was motion. And so was my body! "The knowledge you acquire here", she said, "will serve you well in many ways on Earth! It will facilitate your body in changing its molecular structure into, let's say, something that is less like a structure and more like a system with a platform. The platform itself is flexible also and will give your body a sense of possibility with being on the Earth in the current condition. The planet is changing, dynamically! It will be quite pleasant for you to have flexibility with your body. Capacities you once had and fairly remember will be reestablished and enhanced to even greater capacities and abilities, all of those you are creating also with your choices. Greater ease with change in the environment and space for living and thriving on Earth. Openings, creations, possibilities. They are yours. They have always been. We heard your call from eons ago. Share not the gift. Be it. We have always been with you. Now, you remember."
And the Butterfly Queen kissed me on my forehead with such tenderness and potent gifting, and I fell into a gentle sleep, drifting into the beauty of the space, with kindness and caring contribution .
I woke up out of my sweet and tender sleep, so refreshed, with new enthusiasm for life and all the unlimited possibilities that the Butterfly Queen revealed to my heart! Where do I start? What would it take to bring this vision of an energy and possibility to fruition, here? I was back in my garden. My body was gently resting on beautiful pillows made from a material that I had not seen before on the planet. Or, ..., did I? Still dreamingly, I gazed at it more closely... A gauze from ancient times, so ethereal and light, so space, .... this must have been a long time ago... Dazzled, I looked closer at the delicate designs with butterflies and stars and dancing molecules, golden threads. My heart expanded into that space. What if..... ?
What are the infinite possibilities for bringing that to fruition, that, that I know IS possible, that the Butterfly Queen has shown me in her indigo eyes, that my Ruffled Princess contributes to with each joyful flash of her eye lashes, when she giggles as she plays with the molecules and creates magnificent gifts for me of such beauty that only the earth mother and her creatures know possible.
I am so grateful for the Ruffled Princess! My friend! She is a beacon of light in my life, and she encourages me every day not to give up, and to keep asking questions, and to keep talking to the shooting stars and asking for their contributions of star dust and magic to our creations on Earth. The shift is here. The shift is YOU reading this. You ARE the Magic and the Miracle. I know you are out there, and you are questioning you and wondering about this world, and you are almost ready to give up. Don't! This is the invitation of the Butterfly Queen: Be YOU! Go for what you know is possible. YOU ARE NOT DREAMING IT! It is real! The JOY you know IS POSSIBLE! What are you waiting for? What you think is a dream IS a possibility of such power and potency! If you just knew what you CAN create! You are not little and insignificant! You are powerful, potent beings made of Light and Joy, Laughter and Magic! You are the Miracle you think is not possible! YOU ARE IT!
So, be it! Seek the inspiration! Create! Go out and look at the stars! Go there and fly! There is one of them that I know that is created by the Butterfly Queen! She welcomes those who ask. And her silk threads are one with the entire creation universe.
I know you CAN do it. You know it too! You just pretend not to know! Would you mind stopping pretending? It doesn't work any more. We saw you. And we know that You know. If you are here reading this, I tell YOU, YOU KNOW!
My friends, I greet you from Earth and from the Stars. I fly with you.
What would you like to create beyond now? What do YOU know is possible?