do you do when things seem so ‘weird’, so uncomfortable, when nothing seems right, and you feel
like on the wrong planet?
you noticed, lately, things have been pretty uncomfortable? You might
experience tiredness, so tired that you could just drop and sleep! Or, things
don’t seem to be ‘working’ any more. Whatever you used to do, it doesn’t have
the same ‘effect’ any longer. Does it feel like banging your head against a
brick wall?
things change, it might get pretty uncomfortable. Now, usually, in this
reality, we learn that we have to strive for ‘feeling good’, being happy, more
even making others happy by always showing a happy face, being productive etc.
you like to change your perspective? If we change how we look at things, that
very thing we look at can actually change. Curious?
are ways to shift that discomfort. My question is: What if that discomfort is
the threshold into something amazing? What if it is the invisible line that separates
us from that which we really desire?
1. Ask “Who does this belong
if it isn’t yours? We all pick up on thoughts and feelings of others. Ever
noticed? You think of someone, and they call you a minute later. You think of a
book that you would like to get, and the same day a friend offers it to you. What if we are more intuitive/psychic
than we have ever acknowledged? So, would it be possible that we pick up on our
neighbors ‘grumpiness’? And, how many people are depressed and sad? Would we
then, with our ‘antennas’ be aware of that, perceive it and experience it in
ourselves? Oh, yes! And then, we think it’s ours and run with it! We take a
pill for somebody else’s depression. If you ask the question “Who does this
belong to?®” and
it lightens up and your discomfort goes away, it wasn’t yours to begin with.
2. What’s right about this
I’m not getting?®
next thing is, don’t make it wrong.
If you make discomfort wrong you resist it and you spend an enormous
amount of energy on it, and you will attract more of it. It’s like invisible
walls that you set up. Could anything other than discomfort get to you through
the walls? No.
we resist, we make even stronger. Have you ever noticed? When I go into “Oh, I
feel so bad today!”, “I have a bad day!” that makes it even worse. It’s like
going down into the rabbit hole. And it takes quite an effort to get back out.
In the past it could take me up to several days to be ‘back’. When I use these
questions now, I come off of that track into the rabbit hole pretty fast,
before I even get in there.
3. How can you use this
energy to your advantage?
if the discomfort is simply energy? What if there is no positive and no
negative? What if it just simply is? What if you can be in allowance of it?
Which means you let it flow through you. When we fight it, there is a funny
thing that we create. Whatever we fight, we actually take, we make it solid and
real. We have to resist it. And this takes a huge amount of energy. I remember
once, I painted a painting, and it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to be.
It was different. I had defined myself as an ‘abstract’ artist, and here were
beings appearing in the painting. I made that so wrong, I felt such a
discomfort not only in my being but in my body. I locked it into my body, and
my poor body had stomach cramps, heart palpitations and panic. It took me about
3 days to get out of that. Had I known these tools, then, I might have asked
“How can I use this energy to my advantage?” and shifted it right away. It
could have taken me to allowance. I could have chosen to allow that discomfort
to nurture and grow me.
4. Is this discomfort part
of the change you have been asking for?
you asked for change in some area of your life, or your entire life? Yes? It
might be that change is actually showing up for you. It might just not be the
way you expected it. When things change, we literally loose our reference
points. It’s like the walls of our box go away. And what’s wrong about that?
What if the discomfort is part of something amazing that the universe tries to
bring to you?
are so funny. We ask the universe to bring us change, like a new job, a
different place to live, a different career. So, the universe goes and
rearranges itself, and our energy field changes. Literally, the molecules
rearrange themselves and it’s all different, and we go into freak-out and
scream “NO!”. We ask for change, and then we refuse to be aware and sense that
change. As always, the universe listens and says, “Oh, ok! I thought you wanted
change! Ok, then not!” and goes about its job. We go back into the ‘usual’, the
comfort zone, only to complain
then saying “Oh, things are not working! I can’t get the change that I desire!”
When we choose to change things, well they do. It might be that our points of
view change, that our reality changes, everything changes. And it might not be
the way we decided it ‘better be’.
ease can you have with the discomfort? Have you ever asked for ease for your
life? Or are you used to fighting for it?
are shifting and changing fast right now on the planet. Change has always been,
and there will always be change. The question is what would you like to create?
What would you like your life to be like? These questions are opening doors
that we don’t even know exist. If we don’t make anything wrong, this creates
such ease. We stay present with what is and don’t run.
wonder, what if we used curiosity instead of resistance? Like an explorer! Would
you like to find out what is beyond this discomfort? Could it be a new
territory, a new world, the space
of you that you have not known before?
breathing and wondering and walking and asking questions.
wonder what amazing possibilities you will create?
Madini is an artist, singer and an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Born in
Berlin, Germany, she is currently living in the Midwest in the United States.
Bettina’s paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in
Europe, Australia and in the United States. She offers Painting workshops,
coaches Creatives and facilitates Access Consciousness® Core Classes, internationally.
find Bettina’s classes and see her art work please visit: www.BettinaStar-Rose.com.
All the
tools in this article are derived from Access Consciousness®. Access
Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas. You can read more about Access
Consciousness® at www.AccessConsciousness.com.
* all tools derived
from Access Consciousness®. More at AccessConsciousness.com.
This so resonates for me. Thank you, Bettina!