"Golden Age" by Bettina |
"Your body is an
integral part of becoming all of you. It's about becoming who you are. “
- Gary Douglas and Dr.
Dain Heer*
I read this morning a paragraph in an amazing book*! And it brought tears
of gratitude for my body and such an expansion into my universe!
Gosh, my friends, how much do we not honor and trust our bodies in this reality…? How much do we
learn to not even be aware of our
bodies, and rather judge it, 24-7? Judgment is not awareness. It actually cuts
of our awareness.
In the spiritual community, we learn that bliss is outside
of the body and ‘ascension’ is rising out of the body and that 'paradise' is
something we get to without the body, out-of-the-body experiences are
highlighted, near-death experiences are ‘the thing’, or guys who got hit
several times by lightning are interesting and awe-inspiring, or those who
torture their bodies for 'insight' and 'overcoming something' are the heroes.
That's a lot of pain infliction upon bodies.... Does that make you feel light?
It makes me feel very heavy and angry. And, please, if any of that works for
you, that’s great. I’m not judging it; it’s a choice. What I’m saying is that
this reality conveys to us in many shades and suggestions that bodies are a
wrongness, and that they need to be fixed if they don’t function, more like a
car. They need to run, work, better not complain, not hurt etc. If they don’t
function and do what we decided they have to do (because we own them as our
bodies), or look the way they should look, we make them wrong.
Why would pain and suffering and judgment be more valuable? These
are all points of view that are not the sum total of what IS possible here on
the planet. What if kindness and gentleness with our bodies, honoring our
bodies and acknowledging them for the gifts they are was the most valuable and
beautiful space to be and practice and start the day with and be reminded of,
all the time?
What if we ‘inflicted’ gratitude and joy upon our bodies? Would
that create something different? What if our bodies are more than we ever
thought possible? What amazing and phenomenal reality CAN we create WITH our bodies?
What if our bodies are NOT the fixer-uppers that we made them into? Like, oh,
if I just eat right, or if I just loose weight, or if I just went to the gym
often enough, if I just had blue skin and purple eyes, then, I would be
perfect! Which is, generalized, "Oh if things were just different than
they what are, all would be great and I would be fixed!" And guess what?
If we have that point of view of 'fixing' as the number one priority, than we
will always find and even create something to fix!
What if nothing needs fixing? Fixing is based on judgment
and wrongness. What if your body doesn't require fixing? What if we were
willing to change our points of view about our bodies? What if we were present
in our lives, all the time, and with our bodies?
Would it be possible for us to be that space of
consciousness that allows us to BE everything we desire WITH our bodies? Where
we would be aware of the earth, of each and every molecule, where we could
connect to all the spaces and places on, in and beyond the earth and RECEIVE
the gifts that the earth and the universe have been trying to gift us?
Now, allow me to go a step further: What if we came here to
the earth, because this planet has gifts for us as infinite beings with bodies
of infinite beings, gifts that are not available anywhere else …. in the
Have you ever considered that it might not even be possible
to become fully conscious if you leave your body outside of the equation?
And what if there were gifts that we can only receive WITH
our bodies? What IS possible WITH bodies that we have never even started to
fathom? I listened to a presentation yesterday, and the speaker underscored the
vital importance of cuddling and kindness, tenderness and caring for the
development of a baby. Then, she continued that, if we have NOT received that
within the first 3 years of our lives, that we cannot 'mend' that lack. Is that actually true that we cannot
change that and create a different reality? I wonder, even if we haven’t received it as babies, growing
up in a world of anger and fight and lack of caring, what kindness and caring
CAN we be? Not only for others but also for ourselves? What if we were that
kindness for our bodies? And asked our body "Hey body, what do you
require?" "What do YOU desire?" instead of imposing our points
of view upon our body.
There is stuff that we have literally locked into our bodies
that cannot 'just be un-done'. Judgments and points of view that we locked into
our bodies, energetically, that sit there like ‘pockets’ of thoughts, feeling
and emotions and all kinds of other things that we aligned and agreed with or
resisted and reacted to. To me, they are like invisible walls. It’s when we go
into reaction, sort of auto-pilot. They get triggered by something, and we
Even if we let go of limitations and judgments, our bodies
require our attention and care to un-do some of these ‘energetic pockets’. They
can be addressed with some amazing energy work that I have come across several
years ago. It’s the Access Consciousness® Bars® and body processes.
Here is a quote from the book that I read this morning, and
this is what brought tears of gratitude for my body: "Your body is an integral part of becoming all of you. It's about
becoming who you are. That's the reason we created the body processes."*
- Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, founders of Access Consciousness®, a 20 year
old pragmatic philosophy that has been taught world-wide to groups and
I’m one of those who loved Harry Potter and Hogwarts. And I
wonder, what if we don’t have to go to some ‘magical place’ like a school,
temple or sacred place to be the magic? What if we can be that space, energy
and consciousness all the time, in this reality? And create, with our bodies,
that know so much more than we think they do, a phenomenal reality? A reality
that is filled with ease and joy of living? Where what we desire shows up with
ease and joy and magic?
I knew from my earliest childhood years that THIS IS
POSSIBLE! That there is a magic of being that is beyond incantations, wands,
curses and all that kind of magic. It’s a space of being with the body. And I got all frustrated, not only as I didn’t see
it around me, at all, but mostly as I couldn’t be that space. And my entire
life I have been looking for how I CAN CREATE what I know is possible?
And, beautiful friends, we with our bodies HERE ON the
earth, with the earth CAN create something totally amazing and phenomenal and
magical that is so light and ease-filled and joy-infused. I’ve no idea what that will look like.
It’s an awareness of an energy and possibility. And even if I don’t have an
answer as to what exactly I’m even talking about, I know it, and I know we can
create it, have it and be it. It gives me such joy and sparkles and a ‘gusto of
living’ that makes me dance!
What would it take for us to bring this to fruition? What
energy space and consciousness can we be with
our bodies that would allow us to generate, create and actualize that as our
What if you as being are much more powerful and potent and
magical than you have ever wanted to know and acknowledge? Would now be the
time, my friend, to find out what else IS possible®**?
And would you be willing to consider the possibility of including your body in the journey?
And would you be willing to consider the possibility of including your body in the journey?
* from: "Living Beyond Distraction" by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, p.37
** “What else is possible?” is a pragmatic tool of Access Consciousness®.
Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas, one of
the most brilliant people on the planet, and is created by Gary Douglas and Dr.
Dain Heer. All the tools in this article are derived from Access
Consciousness®. Read more about Access Consciousness® at www.AccessConsciousness.com.
Find out about the Bars® at www.bars.accessconsciousness.com.
Access Consciousness has more than 50 body processes that can address anything
that we have created with our bodies. Please find out more at www.body.accessconsciousness.com.
Bettina Madini is an artist, singer and an Access
Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Born in Berlin, Germany, she is currently
living in the Midwest in the United States. Bettina’s paintings can be found in
corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and in the United
States. She offers Painting workshops, coaches Creatives and facilitates Access
Consciousness® Core Classes, internationally.
To find Bettina’s classes and see her art work please
visit: www.BettinaStar-Rose.com.
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