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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Space of Creation - Turning It Up!

I love playful and joyful energy and space of my being, the sparkles and inspiration, and I create everything I create from that space, whether it's painting, singing, writing, creating classes, presentations and my wearable art.

For the longest time in my life, I had so desired to inspire and transpire that into the world, only to find out that only a few were willing to receive that. Most people have even pushed that away, more or less harshly. Thanks to some simple tools and some amazing people in my life, I could change where I had made me wrong for that, sort of me doing it 'wrong'.  I could let go of having to find the reasons why people choose sadness over joy and even totally refuse happiness as a possibility. I realized that people choose what they choose because they can. It's that simple.

For any joyful being, it has been sort of 'bad news' that the world cannot receive joy, and that classes might not be received if they have 'Joy' or 'Play' in the class name. So, I took these words out of my class titles, and people started to show up. Interesting, isn't it? How much do we have to cut off and divorce from being if we are not willing to choose joy? How much have we bought into the needs of this reality? I write this article for YOU today, you who read this! It is thanks to you that I continued my walk, when I was almost willing to give up. I write for you who is almost willing to give up! Have you made all the judgments, all the 'critiques' real and true for you? Have you made all the refusals, the invalidations, the rejections real? What if they aren't real? What if they have nothing to do with you and with your creations?

Whether you know it or not, every one of you who has NOT given up and who kept creating for the joy of it, has been an inspiration for me. It's the space of creation that is beyond words. How can you describe something that is beyond thoughts, feeling and emotions? The space beyond limitation, where magic begins? Where creation is so ease-filled? The moment you pick up your brush, or you touch the keys of your piano, the strings of your guitar, the moment you start writing and everything flows from there? It sort of has a life of it's own, doesn't it?

As so few could receive joy and ease and happiness, I had started to 'turn down the volume', 'retreated'. And I kept asking each day, is this something that can be received now or in the future? It always was for the future, until...... today.

So, I write these words for you. Wondering and curious as I am, I ask 'What if the window now is wide open, where people are willing to choose more than ever before?' and 'What different reality CAN we create NOW for the future?'

You know what? Instead of lowering 'my volume' and 'blending out', I'm now turning it up my volume! What else is possible with Joy and Fun and Magic of Being?

And, what inspiration and contribution can I be for you and to you?

Here is a sound inspiration for you as my gift: click here

What else is possible?®* What future CAN we create with the Magic of Joy and Ease and Creation?


* ‘What else is possible?®’ is an Access Consciousness® tool. Please find out more about Access Consciousnes®s at

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