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Friday, August 18, 2017

Un-choosing Judgment

Have you been wondering what the heck this 'Access Consciousness' is?

What CAN a class create?

Demanding of me to choose and create greater was so easy to say. 'Choosing greater' was such a huge 'Yes!' in my world, and yet at the same time so abstract. I saw what all these brilliant people, like the founders of Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas and Dr.Dain Heer have been choosing and creating, and I was inspired and at the same time, yes, resistant. I had a big 'How?' in my world. I thought I had to make this one choice, and it's going to get greater. My struggling, the sadness and willingness to give up (yes, I've had that, a LOT) seemed so 'wrong'. 'I should be able to just change whatever is not working, to create greater, to create all the resources that would make it possible for me to create so much more and inspire everyone and everything, to purchase land and give it to the earth, like some billionaires do.' For me to travel all over the world and facilitate classes and show my art and be that which I know I came here to be. I know so much, yet I had no clue how to bring it to the world.

And I made me wrong for things to not be yet what I knew they can be. Until recently.

I chose a class that had such a huge space and a big demand-type energy. There was no way for me not to choose it. Have you ever had that? I changed plans, I changed the ways I would have computed in the past, un-chose other things that would have been impossible for me to un-choose only a few months ago, and I went to the class that challenged me in a yummy and daunting way. You know, friends, when you get the sense of dying? Oh yes, I know that one.

I chose the class nevertheless. I couldn't eat for days before the class. Danced with my team of helpers, asked the universe and the earth for help. And they did. I'm so grateful. I went to the class. And, what did it create? What did I receive?

I received the awareness of my receiving that is so vast. Yes, I have been receiving. What has been off was my asking. I have been asking with 'modesty'. My ask was sort of 2 steps forward, one step back. I'm changing that. Amping up my ask. Asking for all the gates and channels to open and all the resources to flow to me. Asking with boldness.

What else did I receive? The awareness that, if I don't step up and out, there's going to be a vast hole in the fabric that others can and will take over. If I don't step up, a brilliant, sparkling colorful contribution will never shine. And other forces that are willing to be overpowering will do so. And what might that create for the earth? If we don't shine our brilliance into the world, friends, it will be a lesser place. The world will be pale, if we don't shine.

THAT class created in my world a demand to out-create! To be out and not make me wrong! If I make me wrong, for anything, when I judge me for anything, I perpetrate evil. I perpetrate unconsciousness. No more of that. I choose consciousness.

The class also sparked the awareness that it's not ONE CHOICE that is creating the big shift, but many many tons of choices that create what we desire, if we know what we desire to create, if we choose it and commit to it. At times, our choices make us change a job, at times choosing is turning left instead of right, or buying a dress, or saying no, or whatever it is. Each choice creates.

When we have a target and ask the universe for help, we will create it. We will have it. What it takes is perseverance, patience, trust, having our own back and never ever giving up. I got all of that from what? Choice. 💚

If you are inspired by this, if I can be a contribution to you, please know I offer sessions and classes. Please contact me with your questions, and with making an appointment. I'd be so happy to spark your brilliance. You are it already. You have only buried it. There's nothing that you don't know. And I would be honored to un-burry your brilliance with my brilliance.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Magic of the Forest

 "Tree Being" by Bettina Madini

The Deep Forest, had been, over a long period of time, turned into a 'tabu', where, in fairytales, children get lost, where danger lures around every rock, where ghosts live and darkness abides. 
When I was a kid, I played on rocks high up in the Austrian mountains, and I was surrounded by trees, the winds and endless views into rolling tree dwellings. It was at times 'eerie' and I would have shivers run down my body and run back to the house my family stayed at. There was a presence, invisible. And I had nowhere to go with that rather than run. 

Modern city life has us estranged to the gifts and energies of the forest. Is it really dangerous? Is there really a monster? What if that monster (that might also abide in us) is where our phenomenal capacities wait? Where energies would love to contribute to us? Where nature beings invite us to be with them? What is speaking to us in the forest? Who or what would like to play with us? What is trying to get our attention? With awareness we will know what is around us. We will be able to receive all the information that our body gives us. What is the shiver? Do I run? Do I sit down? What is it? 

With more practice over the years, practice in awareness, receiving and question, I spent as much time as I could in forests and by trees. I lived in countries that still had trees. I bathed my crystals in springs and sang to the winds, I sat entire days on rocks in forest clearings and deer came grazing right by me. 

We were made to believe that nature is dangerous. We were made to believe that daylight was safe and nighttime was dangerous. In the insane attempt to control nature our civilization turned into maniacs that feel safe only if there is constant light and noise. Quiet, true 'nature' sound-type calm, becomes a rare commodity. Have you ever tried to record the sound of a spring, the trickling waters? I have many times. I hardly get 2 minutes of it. And that's considered lucky. Where did we go? What choice did we make that created all that? 

I was lucky to grow up in a garden. My family loved nature, although we were in the middle of a metropolitan city. My grandparents had a garden..... I will be forever grateful for their creation and their teachings. Each year, I plant seeds in their memory and see them smile.

So, friends, I invite you on a journey of receiving. What can we create on the earth, with the earth, with nature, with all beings that still live here? 

What if you are a vital part for their thrival, and for the thrival of our planet? 

I see it this way: Without each one of you, there is a hole in the tapestry of the world. Can you see that tapestry? When we don't show up and stand up and sing our song and shine in our colors, this tapestry will look pretty raggedy. Sort of a sad piece of unraveling moth-cloth. Can we afford any of us missing in that tapestry? 

You hold threads in your being that you could contribute to the weaving, by being you. With you, the tapestry will become stronger and stronger, more magnificent, precious and potent. You are not separate. We are all part of the symphony. The trees are whispering. Do you hear them?
Bettina offers a free intro call on Aug.9, noon cdt. More here: