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Monday, February 18, 2019

What Am I Up To Today?

What am I up to, today? Do you have 4 minutes? "A new painting, 'Being Raw' and Color." I love color. I dance with color. And I know a lot about color. Good morning from my studio!

Are you curious about color? "The Language of Color - An Experiment for Living" Zoominar - Feb. 23 🦋

More info:

Sunday, February 17, 2019


'Beyond the Horizon', by Bettina Madini

I tried to win prizes. I tried to paint what I thought people would like. People like jurors, judges, gallery owners, visitors, anybody. Then I found that people will never like what they cannot receive.... 
So then, what is art? Is it what somebody says art is? Is it what you see in museums? Or galleries? In magazines? And, does it stop there? It doesn't. To me it is the willingness to explore what is there, what is joyful to me, the rawness of allowing the unexpected to bring forth something that has never been, to show in the language of color my reality, the reality I know is possible, the beauty I perceive around me and to invite the viewer into that space so they can find what they know, what their colors are, what sinfonie they can sing with the earth. 
I chose to have my own back, to validate and acknowledge me. I stopped bending myself over backwards for approval. And dug deeper.... beneath the surface of this reality. And found that I'm really happy when I follow the flow of paints, breathe my being into the joyful canvas, dance with my brushes and go beyond the edge of expectations. 
This is where I live. More like a jazz composition that begins somewhere and ends somewhere, and in between any universe is possible, any giggle or explosion of stars or burst of volcano, with intersecting feather rivulets, anything. 

Monday, February 4, 2019



Some think it's a nude. That's ok. Some think she's dead. That's ok. 

Nude means no walls, no barriers, total receiving. 
Dead means she let go of those limitations that didn't serve her any longer. 

When these aspects die, it really 'feels' like death. But walking through it is the journey. And coming out of it is .... beyond words.... She is the powerful creator goddess.... She knows the reality of her dreams and dreams them into actualization, while totally vulnerable (no barriers) which allows magical beings such as butterflies to bring her 'invisible' gifts from the stars and the earth. 

She is a potent earth being, she travels in, around and through the earth. She knows. 

She trusts her body that has wisdom and power (see the symbols in her palms, elbow and on her feet). 

In a way, she is like a tree, with deep roots from and to the earth, that feed her and that she nurtures the planet through. She is oneness.... 

I painted her in acrylic.