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Sunday, June 7, 2020

All Packed Up, and Nowhere to Go! Really?

I had made a sort of 'big investment' right at the beginning of the year when I purchased a Light-Dome tent for art fairs. And I was so proud that I took the courage to move ahead with it, to show up even more professionally and 'step up' for this year's art fairs. 
I was juried into the renowned Agora Art Fair in Madison, WI, was invited by Promega in Fitchburg, WI, to be part of their Art Showcase, was for the first time wait-listed for the Art Fair on the Square in Madison and was also approached by a renowned university in North Carolina to teach silk painting. All has been cancelled for this year and postponed into 2021.

The picture shows my brand-new Light Dome in its black carry bag, and new paintings included silk shawls, all ready to go. 

I wonder, where will they be shown? Who am I creating them for?

Even though everything is shut down, everybody is waiting, of course, I keep creating! I can't help it! I cannot wait! Creating what I create is what I love and what made me change my entire life in 2003 and move to New York City, from Europe, with a few suitcases!

Exploring other possibilities, I'm now creating FREE Online Painting events, as my contribution to the world to find the space of creation that has been such a phenomenal life-saver and inspiration to me!  And I'm growing even more into that online environment, with more professional set-up, learning about videography, cameras, lighting and investing in online advertising for both my art and my Wearables. Things I had avoided before.....

Funny thing is, now my new camera is delayed due to shipping disruptions and looting. So, I will improvise, again, with my laptop and Iphone and somehow make it work. Until I can play with my new camcorder!

I know this is the gift that we can be, as artists. We have known adversity and challenge, we know that we have to deviate if one path is not going any further, we change and shift and turn into yet a different direction, we talk to thousands of people, receive thousands of rejections and points of view, and we keep walking and creating what is so joyful to us.

I know that the journey I walk, is, in some weird and magical ways, creating energetic pathways  that hadn't existed before, that other people can then choose too. If they desire to do so.
Some 'old' paths might be closed, maybe for good. Yet, what journeys have opened? What doors and gateways have swung open that we can now choose? Entering new territory with bravery and joy.

My grandfather who had lived through two World Wars and took his own life when I was five, taught me to 'Never Look Back, and Never Give Up!'. So I don't look back. I look ahead. And I'm really curious....

What future can we create? What inspiration can we be, for the World?
And, what amazing contribution can we receive?

It's a world of wonder and miracles.

I know that. This is my world.
And my dream is that it inspires you!