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Sunday, October 22, 2017

 "Earth Dragon" detail picture, by Bettina Madini

What contribution can we all be to the earth by our willingness to be who we truly are and not hide any more, not hide our gifts any longer, not stay in the shadows of the past? The past is irrelevant, so is your judgment of you. With you judging you, you are killing the earth. The earth is asking you to step up and be YOU! To celebrate your gifts and Celebrate LIVING! Look at the sunsets, look at the brilliant colors and the SunBows!!!! They are the earth's invitation for you to choose..... Joy and be the Magical YOU you truly are! And demand of YOU to go around what you have invented as blocks. 

What if there's NOTHING blocking you, but your invented blocks? 

"Earth Dragon" Silk painting by Bettina Madini
I know, I'm a bit intense..... I see you and I adore you. But your choosing of sadness and depression are hurting me and us, and I still always think at first it's mine when I'm getting sad..... (sigh! What would it take for me to use the tools in my tool box... right away?...🙂

Each time we make a different choice and say 'No more. I'm not weak. I'm a powerful being. And I have an amazing body on this gorgeous planet! I wonder what can I create with my body? What are my gifts? What is the magic that I know of?' Each time we make a different choice and don't go into the rabbit hole, we are changing the world. So, all you WorldChangers, what can we create here? 🙂
-Joy with Creation Intro class, Earth Dragon Talking, Oct. 30, 6-8pm, at Supercharge! Foods
in Madison, WI, USA

Here is a short video about 'Earth Dragon':

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Earth Dance

"Unlimited Star Potential" by Bettina Madini

What can we create
From the heart of the hearts?
Choices like glistening pearls
In the moonlight edge of the rising sun
No energies of fight can emerge
Into the ring that courageous knowing
We sit on the blankets of her sweet greens
Amber lips and velvet sheen
With wings of umber and gold
Proven through ages of crown and beggar
and priestess and fool
We have it all. We know. We sing.
And we caress the earths invitation to not
go to gloom but glory and feast
As the doom mongers beast 
ceases to grow
But shrinks under our smiles and curls.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Un-choosing Judgment

Have you been wondering what the heck this 'Access Consciousness' is?

What CAN a class create?

Demanding of me to choose and create greater was so easy to say. 'Choosing greater' was such a huge 'Yes!' in my world, and yet at the same time so abstract. I saw what all these brilliant people, like the founders of Access Consciousness, Gary Douglas and Dr.Dain Heer have been choosing and creating, and I was inspired and at the same time, yes, resistant. I had a big 'How?' in my world. I thought I had to make this one choice, and it's going to get greater. My struggling, the sadness and willingness to give up (yes, I've had that, a LOT) seemed so 'wrong'. 'I should be able to just change whatever is not working, to create greater, to create all the resources that would make it possible for me to create so much more and inspire everyone and everything, to purchase land and give it to the earth, like some billionaires do.' For me to travel all over the world and facilitate classes and show my art and be that which I know I came here to be. I know so much, yet I had no clue how to bring it to the world.

And I made me wrong for things to not be yet what I knew they can be. Until recently.

I chose a class that had such a huge space and a big demand-type energy. There was no way for me not to choose it. Have you ever had that? I changed plans, I changed the ways I would have computed in the past, un-chose other things that would have been impossible for me to un-choose only a few months ago, and I went to the class that challenged me in a yummy and daunting way. You know, friends, when you get the sense of dying? Oh yes, I know that one.

I chose the class nevertheless. I couldn't eat for days before the class. Danced with my team of helpers, asked the universe and the earth for help. And they did. I'm so grateful. I went to the class. And, what did it create? What did I receive?

I received the awareness of my receiving that is so vast. Yes, I have been receiving. What has been off was my asking. I have been asking with 'modesty'. My ask was sort of 2 steps forward, one step back. I'm changing that. Amping up my ask. Asking for all the gates and channels to open and all the resources to flow to me. Asking with boldness.

What else did I receive? The awareness that, if I don't step up and out, there's going to be a vast hole in the fabric that others can and will take over. If I don't step up, a brilliant, sparkling colorful contribution will never shine. And other forces that are willing to be overpowering will do so. And what might that create for the earth? If we don't shine our brilliance into the world, friends, it will be a lesser place. The world will be pale, if we don't shine.

THAT class created in my world a demand to out-create! To be out and not make me wrong! If I make me wrong, for anything, when I judge me for anything, I perpetrate evil. I perpetrate unconsciousness. No more of that. I choose consciousness.

The class also sparked the awareness that it's not ONE CHOICE that is creating the big shift, but many many tons of choices that create what we desire, if we know what we desire to create, if we choose it and commit to it. At times, our choices make us change a job, at times choosing is turning left instead of right, or buying a dress, or saying no, or whatever it is. Each choice creates.

When we have a target and ask the universe for help, we will create it. We will have it. What it takes is perseverance, patience, trust, having our own back and never ever giving up. I got all of that from what? Choice. 💚

If you are inspired by this, if I can be a contribution to you, please know I offer sessions and classes. Please contact me with your questions, and with making an appointment. I'd be so happy to spark your brilliance. You are it already. You have only buried it. There's nothing that you don't know. And I would be honored to un-burry your brilliance with my brilliance.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Magic of the Forest

 "Tree Being" by Bettina Madini

The Deep Forest, had been, over a long period of time, turned into a 'tabu', where, in fairytales, children get lost, where danger lures around every rock, where ghosts live and darkness abides. 
When I was a kid, I played on rocks high up in the Austrian mountains, and I was surrounded by trees, the winds and endless views into rolling tree dwellings. It was at times 'eerie' and I would have shivers run down my body and run back to the house my family stayed at. There was a presence, invisible. And I had nowhere to go with that rather than run. 

Modern city life has us estranged to the gifts and energies of the forest. Is it really dangerous? Is there really a monster? What if that monster (that might also abide in us) is where our phenomenal capacities wait? Where energies would love to contribute to us? Where nature beings invite us to be with them? What is speaking to us in the forest? Who or what would like to play with us? What is trying to get our attention? With awareness we will know what is around us. We will be able to receive all the information that our body gives us. What is the shiver? Do I run? Do I sit down? What is it? 

With more practice over the years, practice in awareness, receiving and question, I spent as much time as I could in forests and by trees. I lived in countries that still had trees. I bathed my crystals in springs and sang to the winds, I sat entire days on rocks in forest clearings and deer came grazing right by me. 

We were made to believe that nature is dangerous. We were made to believe that daylight was safe and nighttime was dangerous. In the insane attempt to control nature our civilization turned into maniacs that feel safe only if there is constant light and noise. Quiet, true 'nature' sound-type calm, becomes a rare commodity. Have you ever tried to record the sound of a spring, the trickling waters? I have many times. I hardly get 2 minutes of it. And that's considered lucky. Where did we go? What choice did we make that created all that? 

I was lucky to grow up in a garden. My family loved nature, although we were in the middle of a metropolitan city. My grandparents had a garden..... I will be forever grateful for their creation and their teachings. Each year, I plant seeds in their memory and see them smile.

So, friends, I invite you on a journey of receiving. What can we create on the earth, with the earth, with nature, with all beings that still live here? 

What if you are a vital part for their thrival, and for the thrival of our planet? 

I see it this way: Without each one of you, there is a hole in the tapestry of the world. Can you see that tapestry? When we don't show up and stand up and sing our song and shine in our colors, this tapestry will look pretty raggedy. Sort of a sad piece of unraveling moth-cloth. Can we afford any of us missing in that tapestry? 

You hold threads in your being that you could contribute to the weaving, by being you. With you, the tapestry will become stronger and stronger, more magnificent, precious and potent. You are not separate. We are all part of the symphony. The trees are whispering. Do you hear them?
Bettina offers a free intro call on Aug.9, noon cdt. More here:

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Magic of Choice

 "Phoenix of the New World" by Bettina Madini

Splashing waves on the beach, everything wrapped into the diffuse opaque space before sunrise. The light was eerie, and she wondered how she got to that place?

The silence was deafening, and looking around she discovered these two cats sitting on the beach, with their attention entirely focused on the glowing light emerging on the horizon. Their ears pointed up, tails curling as if checking out the space behind them without letting a blink of an eye grab their attention away from whatever they were anticipating with intensity.

She stood on the wet soft sand, at a distance behind them, everything around her vibrating with a strange energy. What was going on? In this moment, very fast, a face rose on the horizon, a red, round, huge grinning cat face, with a yellow grinning mouth and large white teeth, black eyes opening into a holographic emptiness.

The two cats, an orange tabby with thick hair, and a white short hair, started to stretch towards that sign, or symbol, theirs tails curling, totally mesmerized by the image. The energy had a magnetic attraction and it grabbed on her heart. The sign grew bigger and bigger while the cats were meowing in long, whining sounds, their heads moving rhythmically from the left to the right, as if in trance.

She didn't hesitate, turned the other way and started running away from the beach, through thick growth of sugar cane, fields and fields of dense plantations that wouldn't end. She dashed through thick brush, not paying attention to sharp leaves and branches, just running, running, running, away from that holograph. Not knowing where she went she let her body take over and kept moving at high speed. Until .... the scene changed, and she entered wide open space. To her surprise, she was soaring over wide open waters, the air fresh and clear, not a tiny breeze moved the particles in the air. She could see her reflection in the calm, clear surface of the ocean, her wide red and orange wings, her outstretched slender body and long legs. Her body didn't look too strange to her, to her surprise. After all the running and choosing to leave the mesmerizing holograph behind, not knowing where and what she ran into, just trusting her senses, she enjoyed the quiet and peace that she was now emerged in. It seemed as if she was the only being there, on what seemed like the first day of a magical creation, everything was fresh, every possible color was reflected in the skies and waters. She smoothly and effortlessly glided above the waters when she heard a voice to her left. "Isn't it beautiful here?", and she turned her feathered head, to look at a magnificent creature, with red, orange, purple, golden and green feathers, wide, huge wings, gliding right next to her.

After all, she wasn't alone. What if she had never been alone?, she wondered.

There was no one else around, and silently, they soared through space and color, with expanding hearts and the joy of possibility, in the midst of a new creation that unfolded like a living breathing canvas.

What future could they create? She smiled.

She could see how each and every choice she had ever made led her to this moment. Choosing to not choose a world that was fake and based on control and sublimation, based on images and pretense, opened the space of the unknown where nothing was guaranteed, nothing was decided or predicted. But anything was possible.

Here, in this space, she knew she couldn't fail. Why? Because she had her own back, and that was a strength, her strength, that no one could take from her. Once we choose what works for us, when we choose to not choose what doesn't work for us, we can and will create greater than what any holograph will be able to predict.

Predictability is a pale reality of holographic images all based on the past, all based on fear and control. Unpredictability is the journey of creation where we can discover what we CAN create, what we came here to create. We will not know what's behind the door before we open it, but we'll find out as we choose to walk through. And other doors will open. Each door opening more space for choice and creation.

Who could you discover if you let go of the mesmerizing lies and inventions of all the holographs that are basically huge, red-cat-grinning-faces-with-empty-black-eyes, nothing else?

If you had no idol, no symbol, no mindset to follow, what could you choose? What could you create?

Monday, June 19, 2017

Ready for your Confident Embodiment?

How many of you are 'sitting on your creativity'? 

What I found is that, if we're brilliant potent creators, and we don't acknowledge it, and we don't give it a way to flow, when we 'sit on it', it creates sort of a time-bomb. If I don't make the space for painting that is a contribution to my being (and body), it really starts hurting.... I have to make sure, and I know this by now, it's vital to my being, I have to make sure with discipline of choice, no matter WHAT, to make space for the energy to flow. 

At times, I paint, at times I sing, at times I write or dance or ..... and it ALWAYS creates greater! I might not always know right away WHAT EXACTLY it creates, but it creates, and that's what interests me. CREATE CREATE CREATE. I'm a moon-sun-goddess-dragon-phoenix-and-what- else?-creator of magnitude... ARE YOU? Have you acknowledged it? 

Instead of allowing the frustration to grow like a giant weed, what can you choose? Move the paints, pour them, sing, dance, write your memoires, it doesn't matter who says what about it. Creation is what matters. When you hold this painting in your hand, when you look at your blog, when you sing to the flowers and rain drops, man, this is what counts. Earth, my friends, earth will ALWAYS listen! 

Keep creating, find an outlet of some sort. It might be that the entire world is waiting for you to make that frickin' choice..... What are you waiting for?

 "Colorful Embodiment - Confident You" 
is an invitation for you, to look at what you would like to embody here on the earth. What if nothing could stop you, get you off track, intimidate you, slow you down? You will get tools that you can use to change what doesn't allow that. What if what you know is possible is what's required for the earth to have a sustainable future?

When we are in communion with everything, what does this mean? We are willing to receive... everything. We don't resist, and we don't align. We be.

When? Friday, June 30, 2016 9:30am-6pm
Where? by Montello, WI, USA
More info and registration:

Friday, June 9, 2017

Never give up!

"Tree of Life Creation" by Bettina

At times, I can't help crying. For all these amazing creators that hit the walls of this reality, for their broken bones and dreams, the songs that were never heard, the colors that left the planet with them, never seen, never invited to be received by others, the paintings never painted, all the possibilities never born.

And then, I remember it's all choice.

My tears dry and the clouds pass. I turn to the earth and she smiles her flowered face at me. "It is choice.", she beams. "Their dreams are never lost. For anything to ever be lost, there would have to be an end. Is there ever an end? An end requires a beginning. Is there a beginning? And what could you find if there was never, ever, anything lost? You just haven't chosen it. What they knew was possible dawns each day on the horizon, ready to be picked up by you. It's a choice for living they haven't made. Will you choose it? Will you pick up the thread and create what YOU know is possible? Will you choose the living you know you can have? And invite the entire world to choose that too?" 

Oh, the beauty of that. What if nothing is ever lost? What if it's just a choice we haven't made, yet? Imagine.... What if we never give up?

If you have a nagging energy in your world, it might be time to ask some questions, such as

What am I aware of?
What choice can I make right now?
What choices are available for me now that were not available before?
What did I come here to create?

And just ask these questions, or any one of them, in the morning, without the need to find an answer.
Asking a true question is not about getting an answer. 
It's about opening a door that we had shut before. It's about receiving awareness and not having any conclusions. Just simply ask and go about your day.

And see what shows up. Something will ALWAYS show up! It might just look different than what we thought. So having no conclusions about it will allow the universe to bring something to us that will be so 'out-of-the-expected', it will be an energy, it might show up as a friend inviting you to a restaurant, it might be turning off the road you always drive on and finding a park that you hadn't seen before, it might be anything. And when we follow that, even if it doesn't make sense, it will create an energy. For example, sitting for half an hour in that park might allow your body to relax, might allow your head to relax, and you might have these amazing ideas, or you find a class flyer on the bench and you really love the energy of that class that you might choose to attend, and it goes on and on. 

The universe is not linear. The universe is a spiraling, connecting, moving, flowing, contributing space. Wouldn't it be fun for you to receive from that space? 

It might bring you things that push your buttons, that trigger you out of your comfort zone, and so what if it's uncomfortable?

What if what we define as comfort is the very box we try to get out of?

Ask "Am I trying to keep my comfort zone?". And what else can you choose?

What if the dawning possibilities come with discomfort? What if that energy is not discomfort but a new and different energy that invites you to dance and create with it?

What are you aware of?
What choice is dawning on your horizon that you haven't chosen yet?
What have you identified as discomfort that is the you you have been asking for?
What's can I ask for that will allow me to relax into that space of me?

Have a beautiful day, my friends!

Cheers on your journey!

p.s. Let me know if I can be a contribution to you! I offer "Rock The World" sessions in person or via phone/skype. Would you like a free Intro session? (Free only for first-timers)

Subscribe for a first free 30 min. "Rock-the-World" session with Bettina

* indicates required

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Creating Intimacy with the Earth - an Invitation to greater Receiving

"Creating Intimacy with Nature"

Are you listening when the Earth talks with you?
How much can you receive from nature ?
What if you could change anything in your life and living by Being in communion with the Earth? 
(sounds crazy?)

Join Marizete da Silva and Bettina Madini in this 3-part telecall-series where we will explore what else we can receive from nature
and what gift we can be to nature.

Do you know anybody who might be interested in opening their capacities for receiving the gift that nature is and
unlock the secrets to joyful living? Would it be light to you to invite them?

Link for registering for the class:

Investment into you: $150
And what if that receiving could sustain you and your body, your business and your life, all of us together and the earth?

3 Worldwide- Zoom Calls
The dates:
March 13, 10am CST/ 8am PST/ 11am EST/ 5pm CET (Europe)
(Please find your local time here:
March 15, 10am CST/ 8am PST/ 11am EST/ 5pm CET (Europe)
March 20, 10am CST / 8am PST/ 11am EST/ 5pm CET (Europe)

You receive:
Live 90 minute calls (via zoominar), facilitation by two potent beings, 
Marizete da Silva and Bettina Madini,
you will receive the recording of the calls plus clearings
What are the infinity possibilities that you have not acknowledged yet?
What if you and your body were a Forest of Possibilities and your intimacy with nature would be
the adventure of the creation of your life and living?

Can you perceive the whispers of the trees, the stars,the sun?
Is now the time to awaken your body to have Intimacy with nature?
Are you willing to receive all and be totally present with nature?
So grateful for you on the earth!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Now is the Time!

"Now's the Time" by Bettina
oil on canva

Now is the time, my friends, for the Magic To Be ... again. Being the Giant YOU are and truly have always been. Will you step up and out? Out of wrongness? Out of judgment of you?

Magic is not just potions and spells. This is a very limited, very very tiny box of the Ease that Magical Being is. It has been twisted, distorted, used and abused... Magic is when we simply ask for something and it shows up. When we ask the whale for a last jump before we have to go pack up to catch a flight, and that amazing whale jumps... for our delight. THAT, my friends, is the magic of you the being. 

You ask and you receive. It has always been that way. You might have forgotten to ask. You might have asked for something that wasn't your smartest choice to ask for, and now it's the very thing that is limiting you. We created the limitations. We created the walls. We created our own box. We also created the resistance to it. Why, you wonder? Why creating it and then resisting it? Because that was the sure way to keep you the magical being solidly locked into the box. At first, building the box, and then, resisting it, which makes it real and solid. Even reinforces each wall. What we resist persists. Heard that before? We fuel our energy and life force into that which we resist. 

Now, how brilliant is that? It is super-brilliant! This way, we made sure that we will not be who we truly be! It is giganticly brilliant. Do you see how potent you are? You managed to prevent a volcano from being a volcano, you managed to tie the most potent dragon to the ground, you managed to keep the fire tiny tiny tiny, less that a whee match light. It took more energy to keep it whee tiny than it took to keep it going. You are brilliant. We are brilliant creators. 

And, now, what can we choose now? Keep it whee, or use our energy and brilliance for creating future?

Now is the time to .... choose again.... something different..... it costs too much to stay tiny.... it costs our joy..... it costs our being.... it costs the earth..... it costs living.... it costs oceans, lakes, rivers, giraffes, butterflies, bees, elephants, rhinos, .... it costs future.... 

Would you be willing to be the Magic you truly are? 

The dragons, unicorns, elvens, fairies and all the others that don't have names because they couldn't be confined? They are not whee. They are willing to be potent and aggressively present.

Now's the time, my friends. We are not whee. Together we are a wave of consciousness that is unstoppable, that can create anything.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Going beyond the Box

Stepping into greater 'being' comes, very often, with a big 'magnifying glass', where we are being presented with and given the opportunity to look into areas where we have tugged away judgments and points of view, unnoticed, unacknowledged and hidden. When these come up, first thing is to keep breathing, and then ask "What's right about this I'm not getting?"

Wanna hear a little story about that? Keep reading, then.

Today, I came across an old email folder, and I opened an email from 2012 that said the following "Dear Bettina, We have been busy reviewing images on ..(our website).. these past few days, and have come to the conclusion that your work is not appropriate for the markets we are trying to reach. .... Your images will not appear on our website, and no further action is required on your end. Please accept our very best wishes to you in the creation and marketing of your artwork. Sincerely, xyz".

Reading this brought up monsters and ghosts that I had shut away in some closets.... and they started all dancing around me!!!! Wow!!!! How much power had I given away to that one person, that one organization, 4 years ago (almost 5 years)? I had all kinds of emotions come up (this morning), ranging from anger, vengeance, sadness and more anger and more anger and upset and so much resistance....!!!! Clearing out all of that!!!! I was definitely NOT in allowance of their choice. There was rejection, 'not good enough' and not being willing to receive judgment.

Looking into this, I saw that I had stopped putting my art out to any organizations, always concerned about more rejection and more judgment. And, what did this create? A box. And more rejection and judgment of me and my creations. Funny is, with being an artist, I'm playing in an area of this reality where there is quite a bit of judgment, and then I refuse to receive judgment????

When I refuse to receive all the shades of judgment that anybody has about art, my art, when I refuse that, how small and hidden do I have to be? I have allowed these people with their points of view to stop me. I allowed that energy to contaminate my well of joy and creation. Like a poison. I made my being and creation so little, and I let people trample on me and my art. Wow! No more. I receive all the judgment that I chose to not receive, in any past or lifetime, I receive it all today. This is all changing now. So grateful that I have the tools now that I didn't have then. And these tools even change the past....

A good question to use is also (and I use it today!) "What does this (email or judgment) mean to me?" All the meaning that we give to things or points of view are only a story. A story that we use to stop us. A story is a box that limits what we can create, receive and be.

Could it be fun for you to access the open space beyond any box? If you would like to look into where you have created a box and you would like to get out of that box, join me on January 28th, in Wisconsin.

I'm offering a class, "A Taste of Out of the Box". More information and registration HERE

#thisischanging #outofthebox #livingoutofthebox #AccessConsciousness