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Sunday, December 29, 2019

"Depth" Ink on paper

I've been quieter... .much quieter, these past days, weeks.... A squelching thirst for something .... greater color, more joy, expansion, and I know I have to move beyond the gunk and junk that I have placed there, eons ago, that, being so 'repelling' in it's awkwardness, has kept me lifetimes after lifetimes from facing it, from flowing around it. 

'Not yet!', was the excuse. Not any more. The moment is now. If not now, when? I know what is possible, I know it! Not for me alone, for mankind, for the earth, for the future! That knowing is my lighthouse, showing me my true North, never failing, always there.

Keep moving, facing this darkness that is so thick, right before the dawn. 

It's that time of the year, the timeless, senseless, mindless space of dreams. Releasing the nightmares, lies and virtual realities, dancing with the wildness of the forest, singing with the stars and earth. And inviting possibilities, vague and undefined and so full of lightness!

Deep tones that sound like rock-on-rock, excruciating exuberance of flooded mountain creeks once so peaceful now roaring with dancing boulders. 

That quiet that is not quiet, that knows, that desires to move ahead of patience. What are we gathering? What strengths are we enchanting into being here with us? These bits and pieces that are coming to us, across galaxies and universes, from hidden crevices in long-forgotten planets, pleading, demanding, asking us to wake up, wake up, wake up. It's not pleasant. And, it doesn't have to be torture. 

Not when we relax into that, embrace it, make it ours. Abandon resistance, once and for all. 

No symphony thrives on high pitched violin only. The oboe, bassoon and bass, deepest whispering earth sound....the river underneath the river. 

Listening into the void that is not empty. 

And trusting my beating heart, heightened senses and intense 'edgi-ness'. 
Something is up. It's here. Not my first time.
Not your first time.

Dreamer, the moment has come.
The glory of it, we will only know once we look back from the other end of the tunnel.

In a way, I can't wait ....
Gathering strength and courage. Knowing that our seeds are now growing.

.... you're not alone.
Be strong. Be quiet. Be strong.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Grand Plan

There is something about creation that we totally mis-understand and mis-identify.

And that is so crucial that it stands right in the way of what we have the talent, gift AND Possibility to create.

You might wonder, what is that? What do you think it is? The mainstream approach is like this: We need the right strategy. That implies having all the ingredients together, like for a good soup. You have to first get the spices and vegetables, the meat or poultry, you have to have water, salt, pepper and all the other spices. And then, you need time and mix it all together, let it cook and, voila!, your meal is created. That's great. But is this really how it works?

If you desire to re-create the same soup, make this perfect dish, yes, than that's wonderful. But does creation always work that way? Do you actually cook like that? Do you follow the exact recipe?

I don't.... I will deviate, not have all the 'perfect' ingredients, instead have others, I will experiment, change, shift and mix, wonder and sing, and CREATE a meal. This meal or soup might not have a name, it might not be in a cook book, but it WILL be delicious. I trust my taste buds and my joy of creation. I cooked a perfect Borscht .... this amazing polish soup, with beets and so much more. I made it .... once! It was a lot of 'work', and everyone enjoyed it. I even made it significant, back then. I made everyone look very serious and impressed as I gave away my secret and told them the name of this wonder. I could tell from the look in their faces that they had no clue what I was talking about, but they nodded with severity, as if to give me that 'great cook' acknowledgement.

So, this creation thing.... We have to have the 'right' ingredients (says who?), it has to be the 'right time' (according to who?), we have to do it this very specific way (who came up with that?), and then, it will work. When we do it the right way, we will be successful. And, it works the other way around too: If we are not successful, we didn't do it right. We have to go back and analyze what we did wrong, correct that and start over, with all the rightness in place. Have you ever tried that? Has it worked? And then, what?

How many of you have given up?

How many of you have stopped?

When we judge, we stop.

Have you judged you?

What if you haven't done anything wrong?

What if the entire concept is a myth? And a lie? To make sure you will NOT succeed? So you will NOT thrive and give up?

Business models, strategic plans, programs and schemes.... What if they simply don't work for you?

What if you are so different that you need to acknowledge a different way, your way, to create?

Creation is not logical. It is not a concept with xyz number of steps. It is not congruent. You will NOT know what the outcome will be, by the time you start.

The very desire to know the outcome of your project or creation is the stopping point, road block, wall, that kills it, that takes it's breath away and allows it to only float as high as the lowest common denominator.

Brilliance, on the other hand, is where you don't look for the outcome, you don't look for an answer, you trust your knowing and you make a step that has a joyful energy TO YOU. Not to your friends and family, they don't really know what's joyful to you. Only you can know what's light to you. They might tell you that you're crazy, that it's too risky, irresponsible, unkind, not logical, and so forth. (don't get me wrong, you might be one of the very few lucky people who have truly caring friends and family who will encourage your wild and crazy dreams.... I just talk about the majority of people.)

Here's a secret: You will NOT know where exactly you're going, as you're going. YOU WILL ONLY KNOW IN HINDSIGHT. You will, in the future, find out where your Big-Choice-points were. You will see only in the future were you followed your brilliance and created the major platform for your future. You don't know in the moment of choice.

What you WILL have in the moment of choice, is the lightness of your knowing. You make a choice, just because it 'feels' so light. It is joyful. It has this sense of possibility. It makes you giggle. And you choose.

You might find out that this choice doesn't create what you thought it would.

Brilliance is also trusting that you can always choose again. No choice is really wrong. It gave you awareness. You learned something. You found out more about you. One day, you might acknowledge how courageous you are! And that's wonderful.

So, all you potent creators: You have to follow your gut instinct. And if it takes you on a road that you didn't really desire, well then, change, turn, move. When you judge your choice, you actually stop on that very road that turned out to not be so desirable, you sit down and lament. It doesn't change it. Lamenting is a total waste of energy. You lock yourself, your brilliant self, up on that road, you sit there, you build walls around you, so no one sees you and your wrongness, but YOU stay there with your own judgment. For eons. When are you going to stop that, stand up, brush the dust off of your dragon skin and keep walking?

Be the courageous, brilliant you who knows, who chooses, changes, turns, walks around obstacles. What is it that you came here to create? What is beyond judgment? What is beyond wrongness? The greatest inventions and new ideas came from that space of choice, choice, choice. What if nothing can stop you?

What can you choose?

What's next?

When you keep walking, you will, one day, look back on your trail and be amazed of what you have created. You had no idea when you started, way back then, you couldn't know what was around the corner. You mastered it. What is that, mastery?

Mastery is to not stop, to create with the moment, to turn each moment into a thread of your living breathing tapestry. It is kindness with you, smiling in the face of adversity and knowing that there wasn't adversity and adversaries if you weren't brilliant.

Your business, your life, our future, as well as Rome weren't built in a day. It all is a choice-by-choice adventure.

One day, then, you'll look at the Grand Mastery you, unexpectedly, have been the painter of, and the uncontrolled, uncontrollable, chaotic, unfathomable craziness of the planless grandness will make you smile.

Friday, April 19, 2019

A New Dress for the Exotic Diva!

Did you know I expanded my creations into Wearable Art? I even created a Store, online, for my label with the name "Magical Bodies"... Oh, what a journey! Find our "Exotic Diva Dress" here! Once you order, we make it for you! No waste of material, no unsustainable hauling inventory around! Find all our creations at It IS wearable art....

Monday, March 18, 2019


"John Muir's Vision" by Bettina Madini
It was a birthday wish from my beloved..... 'Will you please create a drawing for me, of John Muir?" Who could say no to that? I couldn't. ....

So, having lived for more than 10 years next to John Muir Park, there was the request and also this energy, last December, that made me take out my pencils and draw....

And while I studied Muir's face, I tapped into his spirit.... What a visionary.... a storm of running horses... I tapped into the challenge that a visionary faces.... his eyes gazing far into the future that he knew was possible... his face and hair blending into the rocks and trees that he climbed.... I sensed the glory of his nature perception, oneness with wind and rain, with each flower.... and as I continued my drawing, the mountains in the distance became the feet of long-gone giant trees, petrified stumps of today's Sierra....

The Waters of the lakes started whispering, these waters that run deep in the Earth, giant currents of consciousness.

And, all that created a tumbling current in my world, a current that connects present, past and future, a breeze of knowing that we came here to be greatness and create magical spaces with our magnificent Earth. Nuestro Planeta.

If this speaks to you, if it tingles your senses and inspires your heart, YOU are one of these visionaries. You might face challenges, currently. You might have moments where you just want to fall asleep again and go away. I know.

Just please know that you know. You came here because you have acquired EVERYTHING you need to have in your toolbox. You are beautiful, You are powerful. You can change anything and create anything. Go around the rocks that you have made your problems. Go around them. Keep walking. Move. Move. Move.

There is such beauty around you. There are whispers around you. Beings of such Light and Beauty. You are light and beauty.

Tap, for a moment, into the giant tree being in my drawing, and allow it to gift to you. They are here. We are here.

Cheers, my friends.

We launched 2 editions of "John Muir's Vision".

We are donating a percentage of the sales to the Wisconsin John Muir Chapter of the Sierra Club.

More info about the two limited edition giclee prints HERE
Size 8.25" x 11.5"
(image size 6.25" x 8.8", plus border for framing)
price: $65 (plus sales tax, shipping);
We will send you a separate invoice for sales tax (if applicable) and shipping.

Size 11.5" x 16" (original size)
(image size approx. 9" x 12.7")
price: $99 (plus sales tax, shipping)
We will send you a separate invoice for sales tax (if applicable) and shipping.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Being Exposed....

Vulnerability is a wild space to be in.... falling together different, changed, with each brushstroke.... with each gaze across dry grass, caressed by the approaching evening shade. Makes me wonder, what can grow from woman warrior's tears? Our tears are untamed, like Earth's rain, washing away the remaining shades of yesterday. Today is fresh. Stepping away from the canvas. Indigo shadow deepens. Oh, the Beauty I know is possible. I sense it at my fingertips. So easy to be impatient, with future growing inside. Definitions vanish, roles disappear, reference points gone. I gave them to the river. What is now becoming? Brushes set aside, I wash my grateful body. Good night, earth. And I travel into my forest. 🌳✨

Monday, February 18, 2019

What Am I Up To Today?

What am I up to, today? Do you have 4 minutes? "A new painting, 'Being Raw' and Color." I love color. I dance with color. And I know a lot about color. Good morning from my studio!

Are you curious about color? "The Language of Color - An Experiment for Living" Zoominar - Feb. 23 🦋

More info:

Sunday, February 17, 2019


'Beyond the Horizon', by Bettina Madini

I tried to win prizes. I tried to paint what I thought people would like. People like jurors, judges, gallery owners, visitors, anybody. Then I found that people will never like what they cannot receive.... 
So then, what is art? Is it what somebody says art is? Is it what you see in museums? Or galleries? In magazines? And, does it stop there? It doesn't. To me it is the willingness to explore what is there, what is joyful to me, the rawness of allowing the unexpected to bring forth something that has never been, to show in the language of color my reality, the reality I know is possible, the beauty I perceive around me and to invite the viewer into that space so they can find what they know, what their colors are, what sinfonie they can sing with the earth. 
I chose to have my own back, to validate and acknowledge me. I stopped bending myself over backwards for approval. And dug deeper.... beneath the surface of this reality. And found that I'm really happy when I follow the flow of paints, breathe my being into the joyful canvas, dance with my brushes and go beyond the edge of expectations. 
This is where I live. More like a jazz composition that begins somewhere and ends somewhere, and in between any universe is possible, any giggle or explosion of stars or burst of volcano, with intersecting feather rivulets, anything. 

Monday, February 4, 2019



Some think it's a nude. That's ok. Some think she's dead. That's ok. 

Nude means no walls, no barriers, total receiving. 
Dead means she let go of those limitations that didn't serve her any longer. 

When these aspects die, it really 'feels' like death. But walking through it is the journey. And coming out of it is .... beyond words.... She is the powerful creator goddess.... She knows the reality of her dreams and dreams them into actualization, while totally vulnerable (no barriers) which allows magical beings such as butterflies to bring her 'invisible' gifts from the stars and the earth. 

She is a potent earth being, she travels in, around and through the earth. She knows. 

She trusts her body that has wisdom and power (see the symbols in her palms, elbow and on her feet). 

In a way, she is like a tree, with deep roots from and to the earth, that feed her and that she nurtures the planet through. She is oneness.... 

I painted her in acrylic.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Conversations with Tall Tree Walking: The Light You Be.

'How can I open up to the light that is everywhere around me?', she looked up 
at the giant tree with the sense of knowing that her friend would never turn away 
from her questions. 
"I know it is here, yet it seems as if there are walls around me!", 
she was not going to cry but instead melt her resistance and allow her receiving 
to expand what she had once called her broken heart. 

She softened. 
And she relaxed. 
Moving deeper into her softening, 
a swell of intense sweetness 
emerged from her 

Her tree friend barely touched her head with his gnarly fingers. 
Oceans of joy and exquisite peace surrounded them both 
like a deep old forest. 

"You have always been that light you seek!" His voice resonated through space.
"You have always been the stars. 
You have always walked as the infinite you you be. Light that chose to breathe with the earth. Thoughts created separation. 
Your mind-head became the filter for your choices. It is such a tiny box. 
Once you live in your heart, once YOU reclaim your body over your head and leave the addiction to thought behind, you WILL have and be more and greater, 
and you WILL walk the becoming that is yours to choose." 

- Tall Trees Walking 🌳🦋

What Giants are among us?
What can we receive from the Beings that are walking the earth, that no one is talking about?
What has been whispering in your awareness that has no name, no definition, no words?
Can we receive from them?
What questions can we start asking, questions that will open the doors and gates and portals, questions that will allow you to step through?

Join us on January 13, 2019
3pm Central (4pm Eastern)
Find your local time HERE
We will venture on a journey with the Golden Tall Ones, Tall Trees Walking.
They are here.
Registration: HERE
Contribution: 60$
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation with the payment link.
Do you require translation? We have German translation set up. Let us know if you require a different language, and we will make this available.
To register, and for questions, contact


'Wie kann ich mich dem Licht eroeffnen, das ueberall um mich herum ist?, sie blickte auf zu dem Baum-Riesen mit dem Wissen, dass ihr Freund sich niemals von ihren Fragen abwenden wuerde. 'Ich weiss, es ist da, aber es scheint als wuerden Waende es von mir abwehren!' Sie war entschlossen, nicht zu weinen sondern ihre Widerstaende zu schmelzen und dem Empfangen zu erlauben, ihr Herz, das sie einst gebrochen nannte, auszudehnen.

Sie erweichte.
Und entspannte.
Mit dem Vertiefen ihres Erweichens erhob sich eine Welle intensivster Suesse,
geboren in ihrem Herzen.

Kaum beruehrte Ihr Freund ihren Kopf mit seinen knorrigen Fingern.
Und gemeinsam wurden sie eingehuellt in einen Ozean tiefer Freude und Friedens,
gleichend den tiefen alten Waeldern.

'Du warst immerzu das Licht, nach dem Du suchst.' Seine tiefe Stimme bezauberte Raum.
'Du warst immerzu die Sterne, das unbegrenzte Wesen das du bist. Licht, das waehlte, mit der Erde zu atmen.
Gedanken schafften Trennung.
Dein Verstand-Kopf bekam der Filter fuer Deine Wahlen. Es ist eine derart winzige Box...
Wenn Du beginnst, in Deinem Herzen zu leben, wenn Du Deinen Koerper ueber Deinen Kopf waehlst und die Abhaengigheit zu Gedanken hinter Dir laesst, wirst Du beginnen immer mehr und grossartiger zu sein,
und Du WIRST zu dem Bekommen, das nur Du waehlen kannst."
- Tall Trees Walking 🌳🦋