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Monday, September 28, 2015

True Wealth of Being - Open the Gates

There’s so much to be said about wealth. Some people make it all about money and worldly goods, others make it about the opposite, happiness without money.
What if it has nothing to do with money, and what if it doesn’t exclude money either?

The other day, I heard Shannon O’Hara ( talk about “Wealth of Being”, and that created such a space of joy and ease in my life. What if we had the ‘Wealth of Being’? That includes so much more than money, while also including money. What if we didn’t exclude anything? Not even money? And what if we didn’t exclude doing from being?

There is a lot of confusion about what being actually is. Usually, ‘being’ is placed at the opposite of doing. Could it be that being is so much more than that? What would ‘wealth of being’ be?

Everywhere around us, people perpetrate that ‘idea’ of paradise as the ‘not-doing’, in movies, advertising, in magazines. It’s everywhere. How much of that is a fantasy and not even real? Is it real for you?

I’m not looking at defining here what ‘wealth of being’ is. In fact, it really is undefinable, and it will be different for every one of us. I’d like to give you some tools*, though, that you could use to open the doors for leaving the scarcity of being behind and create more awareness of wealth of being and what that could be for you.

Tool 1: What is valuable and true for you?

Start looking at your points of view, with openness and honesty, instead of living from lies or fantasies. A lie could be that the “eternal not-doing” is valuable to you. What does it create when we live by a lie? When we strive for something that is a lie for us, we will never really get there. We will create a lot of conflicting ideas. And, can it create happiness for us if we reach something that is not truly valuable for us? No. So, we will always make ourselves wrong for not having done it ‘right’.

Instead of creating conflict and confusion, we could start looking at our points of view.  Our point of view is creating our reality. What is wealth for you? Do you see you as wealthy? And, is this your point of view? Or did you take it from everyone around you? What if doing can be enjoyable?

And what if doing is part of being? Doing from choice, creation and enjoyment, not from force, to-do-lists and obligations. How much fun can we have with creating our life and living that inspires us, and the world?

True Wealth of Being starts with honesty with self. What is valuable to you?
Make a list and write it down.

Tool 2: Be grateful for everything

True Wealth of Being includes gratitude, which is being grateful for everything, just as it is. No matter what there is in your life, would you be willing to see that you created it with some choices that you made?  Once we acknowledge that we created everything in our life, we can also change it.

As we are grateful for everything in our life, we automatically do not make it wrong. Gratitude and judgment cannot exist together. Gratitude is a space, and we can make it a practice to be grateful for our life, for our body, for our kids, for our family, job and money. 

We will not make anything wrong, and we will not make ourselves wrong. When you can leave the wrongness behind , you can create something different.

Each morning, when you wake up, take 5 minutes for gratitude.

Tool 3: Learn to receive

This might be the most challenging part for most of us. What is receiving? The mail? Money? Bills?

Here’s a story of a friend of mine. She thought she had a problem with money and did whatever she could to change it. She then received a larger amount of money, larger than what she had ever received before. It went beyond what she could truly ‘receive’. She had thought that she had ‘overcome’ her issues with money, yet, when the check came in, she started to panic. All kinds of points of view came up for her, one being that others could steal it from her. She had the basic point of view that people would take her money away from her, so she had to always make sure never to have ‘too much money’.

We were talking about it and clarifying her points of view around money and wealth. It was a real surprise to her when she became aware of them. They were literally hidden from her. We all do that. We all have hidden points of view that are running our lives. They actually prevent us from creating what we desire to create.

Once we are aware of our points of view, we can change them.

True receiving starts with putting down all your barriers and walls. Would an infinite being require walls and barriers? No. How much receiving do we prevent by having up barriers? What if instead we received everything?

Receiving does not mean taking it. It means we are aware and then, we choose.

Ask each morning “What can I receive today?*

Tool 4: What would you like your life to be like?

Here’s a great tool to use: “What would you like the energy of your life to be like?””

We talked about what’s valuable to you. If you created your life, the way you would like it to be, what would the energy of it be? Would there be joy, ease, healthy body, financial wealth? What if you started asking this question from the space of possibility, not the space of judgment? So, for now, just observe if you have any resistance coming up, or any reasons and justifications of why this would not work.

And, are these reasons even true?

Ask in the morning or on your way to work “What can I choose today that would create my life?*”

Tool 5: Function from a space of possibility

Have you been functioning from possibility or impossibility? From having it all, or from lack?

Start each morning with 5 minutes of gratitude for your life, gratitude for your body, for your family and your home, your job and your money, no matter how much there is. Whatever there is in your life, look at it from gratitude.

And then, ask “What else is possible?®” and “If I would create my life today what would I choose?*”

Living is a space of constant action, constant choice. What if anything was possible?

Ask the universe “Universe, show me, what is wealth of possibility for me?” and allow it to show up in your life. We don’t usually learn to function from possibility, and it is, for most of us, a rather limited space of what we have seen and learned from around us. Yet, is this all there is? What do you know is possible?

What if you are the well of your wealth of being? What if you are the source? If you care for you, for your body, for your living, what caring can you be for everyone else in your life? If you chose happiness, would that choice create a sense of wealth for you?

What choice could you make that would create the life you would be excited and joyful to live?

Ask each day “What is truly possible that I have never considered?*

*All the tools in this article are derived from Access Consciousness®. Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas. You can read more about Access Consciousness® at


Bettina Madini is an artist, singer and an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Born in Berlin, Germany, she is currently living in the Midwest in the United States. Bettinas paintings can be found in corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and in the United States. She offers Painting workshops, coaches Creatives and facilitates Access Consciousness® Core Classes, internationally. To find Bettinas classes and see her art work please visit: and

Access Consciousness® was founded by Gary Douglas, one of the most brilliant people on the planet, and is created by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer. All the tools in this article are derived from Access Consciousness®. Read more about Access Consciousness® at Find out about the Bars® at www.bars.accessconsciousness.comAccess Consciousness has more than 50 body processes that can address anything that we have created with our bodies. Please find out more at  

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