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Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Unencumbered Joy of ..... YOU


"Emerging World" by Bettina

When the World turns upside down,
yours could go upward forward. It's a choice we all can make.

Sounds strange? I know. It might sound great, and then, how do we get there?

For sure, I'm not claiming to have the answer, beautiful you!
What I can claim, though, is my journey.
One morning, out of the blue, I woke up, and I knew I had no problem any more.
Did challenges go away? No.
Is it constant bliss? No.
Do I keep at it? Yes.

My grandfather said to me "Never give up. Never give in. Never look back. Look forward and up." I was five years old when he left the world. In my tiny backpack, I had his gifts. They were safe there, until I was grown enough to value them. Until I could receive and treasure them.

Our lives are incredible journeys through forests, rivers, across mountains and deserts. We never know what's around the corner, behind the tree or underneath the rock. But we all have our backpacks with gifts and tools. Mostly, we have no clue what these gifts are, as we have not matured yet to being able to receive them. We have them, though. They are with us. And I know what I'm talking about.

Have you been looking for your gifts? Have you been trying to solve this problem in this area of your life that you have defined as your 'problem area'? And you expect that, if you only get that area figured out, everything would be great?

Has this worked?
Have you figured it out?
And, when you found this one thing, whether it's money, a relationship, a job, or no job, well, has it cleared your sky? Is everything great now?

When we desire to create dynamic, true change and leave struggle behind, we might have to wonder off of our beaten trail of comfort. Beyond the walls of our well-defined comfort-zone lies what is required for us to unwrap and unravel so we can create what we desire to create.

It's not one choice.
It's many, very often, micro-choices. The day-to-day.
Not judging ourselves any longer.
Being kind and nurturing to ourselves and our bodies.

That alone is HUGE.
That alone might be SO UNCOMFORTABLE.
Why is that?
Because the judgment space is what we are used to.
When there's nothing any more to judge, then what?
When our mind becomes useless, what's next?

You have tools.
You have gifts.
You might have no idea about the depth and expansiveness of your being.

Is it time to explore?

More: HERE

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