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Monday, June 30, 2014

Kindness with Money

You might wonder what an artist has to say about money? Well, Let's say, A LOT! I love money, and I love to 'play' with it which is not usually what we learn about money in this reality (and I'm not talking about gambling or monopoly.... which is pretty much the only 'playing' with money that exists here, the 'winning-or-losing-game' of it...)

I invite you to the space of being where living is about infinite possibilities, infinite being, doing and fun of creation. I create my life from this space.... Money as choice.

I heard an amazing person talk about 'kindness with money' about a year ago, and that energy did something to me.... it started opening a universe for me that I had not been aware of before, shifting my point of view about money... and gave birth to being me with money, no matter what anybody else choses with it...
Before choosing to live as an artist and singer, I had an entire career in the banking industry, for many years. I learned a lot about money, which I am so grateful for. I learned about money in this reality. What I am realizing now is that money might not be what we think it is. Everything I learned about money in this reality is not about money itself. It is rather about what we do with it or don’t do without it in this reality. Or why we can or (mostly) cannot have it. Or how much we can receive, and how we have to spend it. And that once we have some of it we cannot have more, and we have to keep it and not loose it. Which actually is an accumulation of points of view. I heard a wise man say that our point of view creates our reality. This would indicate that our point of view about money creates our reality with it and how we experience our life with money.

What if money is just money? An energy? What if money is like breathing?

Do you have any point of view about the air you breathe, and conclude that the air is bad and that you cannot receive it? Or that once you receive some, you have to keep it, or just get a little of it, and that you have to work hard for it? No! So, why are you choosing this with money?

What if money is not what we think it is? What else is possible with money and wealth that goes beyond this reality and beyond our limited point of view of it? What question can we ask money that we have never asked before, that would open an entire universe we didn't even know existed? And what reality can we create with money that would be fun and such a contribution to everybody and to the planet? What if it was so playful and ease-filled that we didn’t even put a single thought into it?

What if money is actually kindness? Looking back in my life I see so many moments where money came to me with such a kindness! Money doesn’t have a point of view, we have it! How often have I made the receiving of money wrong? Who could I receive money from, and what did it mean to receive money from them? Or where I concluded it was too much money? Or not enough money? Rather than being grateful for each dollar? Rather than just receiving it? What if money is kindness? Just like the air that we breathe. How much kindness is the air? It makes it possible for our bodies to live here on the planet. It is filled with elements, molecules, amazing contributions from the Earth. What if money is that also? What if money is energy? Nothing more, nothing less.

And how much unkindness do we perpetuate on us with our points of view about money? If we had no point of view, what could we actually create with money? For us, for everybody, for the planet, for a future that includes everything, everybody and us?

If we had kindness with money, would that create a playful energy with it? Could that expand our reality?
Bettina Star-Rose Madini is an artist, singer, Access Consciousness® Facilitator and an inspiring speaker. Her curiosity and exploring spirit guided her into a teenage acting career, a model career, into management and marketing, further into a career in the banking industry, and from there into painting and singing. Born in Berlin, Germany, she is currently living in the United States and travels the world with her art and her inspiring creations. She facilitates classes that invite you to the lightness and joy of life, filled with pragmatic tools that you can use in your daily life to create the life that you desire.
More information about Access Consciousness® at

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